Market Trends: Week of 20 March 2017

Note: Last week we reported that the quality of most dry vegetable commodities had suffered due to the
rains and high winds of previous weeks. Quality has improved for some commodities this week but is
still suspect and variable for others. Details, by commodity, are given below.


• Rounds- Quality has improved this week with the only issue we see is some occasional

softness. Overall, quality is very good to excellent. Demand still has not picked up as it

normally does this time of the year. Mexico continues to dictate market prices. FOB prices are

down this week for all sizes. If demand does not pick up and if we do not experience a weather

event, we expect prices to remain low for at least the next 3 to 4 weeks.

• Romas- FOB prices for romas also continue to trade within a narrow range and Mexico is

dictating this market also. FOB prices are generally steady with downward pressure this week.

We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range. Like the rounds,

quality has improved this week and is very good to excellent.

• Grapes- Ample supplies are causing FOB prices to remain at rock-bottom levels. Quality is

variable but is generally very good.

• Cherries- FOB prices have fallen a couple of dollars again this week. Quality is better and is

generally very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Mostly sunny skies into next week with little chance of rain.

Cool through Thursday and then warming near 80 over the weekend.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales but we

continue to see signs of a slight seasonal slowdown. Sizing is down. Crossings also continue

at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality continues to be

suspect and variable but we are seeing some signs of improvement. We expect the round

tomato market pricing to remain stable for the next several weeks.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement

minimums for all sizes. Quality is variable.

• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Prices remain generally at

Suspension Agreement minimums.

• Cherries- Quality is suspect and variable this week. We are continuing to see a wider-thannormal

range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Overall, repackers are having to

pay higher FOB prices for quality product.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Quality continues to be variable but overall quality is a little better this week. FOB prices are

currently lower compared to last week.

West- FOB prices are generally steady and trading within a narrow range. The desert fields will be

starting soon.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies and yields are still light due to pollination issues. However, a few more supplies are

currently available compared to last week and we forecast that supplies will continue to slowly increase

into next week. We continue to see a wider-than-normal variance in FOB pricing with the better quality

product demanding the higher prices. Compared to last week, FOB prices are lower. Quality overall is

slightly better as we get further removed from the adverse winds and rains of several weeks ago.

West- Quality remains fair this week. Supplies remain light but more supplies should be available soon

as we get into new desert fields. FOB prices will remain high until the new fields begin to produce.

Compared to last week FOB prices are steady to lower this week.

Green Squash

East- Supplies continue to be tight and we do not see the potential increase in supplies in the near

future as we do for the yellow squash. FOB prices remain high with some downward pressures. Quality

continues to be variable but is improving.

West- Quality remains variable. Slightly more supply is causing downward pressures on FOB prices.

Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East- Off-shore supplies still available and should continue for another 7-10 days. Quality is variable

and suspect as we come toward the end of the crop. The spring FL domestic crop continues to ramp up

and more supplies are available. The quality of the domestic product is better and is bringing a

premium FOB price compared to the off-shore product. The price for off-shore product has fallen from

last week whereas the prices for the higher quality domestic product has remained generally steady.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have begun in a light way but we do not expect those

crossings to get fully ramped up until the first of April. The market remains active with FOB prices

generally steady to lower from last week. Quality is variable.


East- FOB prices are generally steady with downward pressures. Still seeing some scarring but quality

overall is better.

West- FOB prices are generally steady this week with slight upward pressure. Nogales crossings

continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are steady this week. Supplies are a little stronger which should begin to put some

downward pressures on FOB prices.

West- FOB prices are down this week.


East- The market is currently steady from last week. We are expecting more supplies into the week

which should put downward pressures on FOB prices Quality remains good.

West- Acreage and yields are down causing a shortage in supplies. This continues to put upward

pressures on FOB prices. Quality remains suspect.


Market Trends: Week of 13 March 2017

Note: The quality of all dry vegetables this winter has been very good to excellent.

However, quality has become much more variable this week and for some commodities

is only fair at best. This is true for product from both Florida and Mexico. Both growing

regions have experienced rains and the east has experienced high winds for an

extended amount of time. The quality of the fruit that was maturing on the vines during

these weather events has suffered. We expect the quality on most commodities to be

variable for the next 10-14 days. Details, by commodity, are given below.



• Rounds- Sizing this week is running on the minimum side of specs. Quality is much

more variable and is down compared to where it has been all winter. Demand has not

picked up as it normally does this time of the year. Mexico continues to dictate market

prices. FOB prices are trading in a wider range this week due to the variableness in

quality. Expect prices to remain generally steady for quality fruit. If demand does not

pick up and if we do not experience a weather event, we expect prices to remain

relatively low for at least the next week or so.

• Romas- FOB prices for romas also continue to trade within a narrow range and

Mexico is dictating this market also. FOB prices are up this week on all sizes but

remain at low levels. We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a

narrow range. Like the rounds, quality has suffered this week due primarily due to

high winds.

• Grapes- Ample supplies are causing FOB prices to fall even further again this week.

They are currently at rock-bottom levels. Quality is more variable but is generally


• Cherries- After remaining unchanged for over a month, FOB prices have fallen a

couple of dollars this week. Quality is more variable and is generally fair to good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Partly cloudy with afternoon showers likely

Thursday. Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s. Lows will be in the lower 60s. More

of a chance of rain early next week.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales

but we continue to see signs of a slight seasonal slowdown. Crossings also continue at

McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is suspect

and variable and is declining. We expect the round tomato market to remain relatively

stable for the next several weeks.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Even though volume and quality

has declined from last week, FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums

for all sizes. Quality has declined.

• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Prices remain generally

at Suspension Agreement minimums.

• Cherries- Quality is more suspect and variable this week. We are seeing decay, skin

check and SDA (sunken, discolored areas). We are continuing to see a wider-thannormal

range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Overall, FOB prices are

steady this week.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Quality has fallen sharply due to scarring and bacterial pressures. FOB prices are

currently steady from last week but are expected to rise in the coming days.

West- FOB prices are active and should get stronger as we continue into the week.

Quality is variable.

Yellow Squash

East- Prior rain and winds continue to decrease the supply and quality. We are seeing

a much larger variance in FOB prices due to the wide range in quality. FOB prices

remain high. We expect the market to remain active and for quality not to improve for

at least a couple of weeks. Scaring, due to the winds, is the major quality issue.

West- Quality remains fair this week. Supplies remains light. FOB prices may be

topping off. New fields should be coming on-line by the end of the month.

Green Squash

East- Similar story as the yellow squash: fewer supplies, poorer quality and a wider

range in FOB prices depending on the quality.

West- FOB prices remain high and quality is more variable. Crossings primarily at



East- Off-shore supplies continue with some FL domestic product becoming available.

FOB prices are currently generally steady compared to last week but are expected to

get stronger as we head into the rest of the week. Quality of the off-shore product

remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. The market is active with FOB prices generally

steady to higher. Quality is more variable. We expect FOB prices to remain generally

higher until the Baja fields come online which should be around April 1.


East- FOB prices are generally steady to slightly lower for fancy and choice. Quality is

not as good due to scarring and pitting.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is



East- FOB prices are steady this week.

West- The market is active and FOB prices are steady with upward pressures this week.


East- The market remains active and FOB prices are generally higher with continued

upward pressures. Quality is good.

West- Acreage and yields are down this week causing FOB prices to be higher

compared to last week.


Market Trends: Week of March 6th, 2017



• Rounds- Demand is a little stronger this week. Supplies remain good. Quality

remains good. In the next few weeks we are expecting to see a slight downtick in

yields due to winds resulting from the only cold front this entire winter that came

through the growing region several weeks ago. Mexico continues to dictate market

prices and those prices remain at Suspension Agreement Minimums. FOB prices in

the east remain within a narrow range with slight upward pressures. We expect prices

to remain low and to continue to trade in a narrow range for at least the first half of

March barring a major weather event.

Romas- FOB prices for romas also continue to trade within a narrow range and

Mexico is dictating this market also. FOB prices are up this week on all sizes but

remain at very low levels. We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a

narrow range. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- Ample supplies are causing FOB prices to fall even further this week. Quality

remains very good.

Cherries- Prices remains steady compared to the past several weeks. Quality remains

very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Cloudy with afternoon showers likely Wednesday
and Thursday. Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s. It will be mostly sunny but cooler
over the weekend with highs near 80.


Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales

but we continue to see signs of a slight seasonal slowdown. Crossings also continue at

McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality has been

suspect and variable this week but we are beginning to see some improvement. We

expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for at least the next several


Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Open field growers have largely

wound down while shade growers continue strong. Quality is good. FOB prices

remain at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes. Prices should remain steady

for the foreseeable future.

Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Prices generally at

Suspension Agreement minimums.

Cherries- Quality is more suspect and variable this week. We are seeing decay, skin

check and SDA (sunken, discolored areas). We are continuing to see a wider-thannormal

range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Overall, FOB prices are

lower this week.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Better supplies in both the east and west have caused pepper FOB prices to fall

on all sizes and grades. Quality continues to be good.

West- New supplies have caused FOB prices to fall sharply this week. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- Prior rain and winds have decreased the supply and quality. Supplies will not

meet demand. FOB prices are up sharply. A similar shortage in the west give

suppliers few options. We expect the market to remain active for at least a couple of


West- Quality is much poorer this week. Supplies are very light. FOB prices are

higher. It will not be before the middle of March before new fields start producing.

Green Squash

East- Similar story as the yellow squash: fewer supplies, poorer quality and higher

FOB prices. Large size is also tighter with higher FOB prices.

West- FOB prices are up strongly this week for all grades and sizes as supplies are

down and quality is suspect. Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East- Off-shore supplies continue. FOB prices are currently down slightly compared to

last week but are expected to get stronger as we head into the weekend. Quality of

the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. FOB prices for supers are down while selects are

generally steady. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.


East- FOB prices are generally lower for fancy and choice. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is



East- FOB prices are steady to lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are steady with upward pressures this week. Quality is good.


East- Supplies have decreased as a result of the bloom drop that occurred in January.

FOB prices are steady to higher with continued upward pressures.

West- New supplies have caused FOB prices to fall. However, demand has also

increased as a larger portion of the country is now looking to MX to supply their

needs. The level of increased demand will determine how low the FOB prices will fall

this week

Market Trends: Week of February 27th, 2017



• Rounds- Demand is weak to moderate. Rain will keep us out of the fields

tomorrow. Quality remains good. Mexico continues to dictate market prices

and those prices remain at Suspension Agreement Minimums. FOB prices in

the east remain within a narrow range with slight upward pressures. We expect

prices to remain low and to continue to trade in a narrow range into March

barring a major weather event.

• Romas- FOB prices for romas also continue to trade within a narrow range and

Mexico is dictating this market also. FOB prices are up slightly this week on all

sizes. We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range

into next month. Quality continues to be very good.

• Grapes- FOB prices remain generally steady this week and quality remains very


Cherries- Prices are steady compared to last week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Cloudy, cool with rain almost all day
tomorrow. High will only reach the upper 60s. After that, the rest of the week
and weekend looks good with mostly sunny skies with highs in the upper 70s
to mid-80s. After Wednesday, only a small chance of rain through the


• Rounds- Demand continues to be anemic. Good volume continues to cross at

Nogales but we have seen the first signs of a slight seasonal slowdown.

Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension

Agreement minimums. Quality is good. Good weather is forecasted to

continue for the next several weeks. If that forecast holds true, we expect the

round tomato market to remain relatively stable for at least the next several


Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Quality is good. FOB prices

remain at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes. Prices should remain

steady for the foreseeable future.

Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Prices generally at

Suspension Agreement minimums but have firmed up especially for the better

quality fruit.

Cherries- Quality is more variable and we are seeing a wider range in FOB

prices which correspond to the quality. The supply of good quality cherries out

of Mexico has decreased.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Limited supplies caused peppers to bring higher FOB prices last week. Supplies

have improved which has caused FOB prices for all grades and sizes to fall this week.

We will see how tomorrow’s rain effects harvesting and supplies in the short run.

Quality thus far this week continues to be generally good.

West- FOB prices are steady to down thus far this week. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices are generally steady with downward pressures due to very weak

demand. Quality remains variable.

West- Fewer supplies this week have cause FOB prices to rise. Quality is generally


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are steady to lower this week on both grades primarily due to weak

demand. Quality is variable.

West- We are seeing a wide range in quality. Overall supply is down. FOB prices are

higher this week for all grades and sizes. Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East- Off-shore volume continues with relatively light volume. FOB prices are

generally steady with slight downward pressure compared to last week. Quality of the

off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. FOB prices are generally lower. Currently, the

quality through Nogales remains good.


East- FOB prices for fancy are steady with downward pressure and are generally lower

for choice. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is



East- FOB prices are generally higher this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are generally lower this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is



East- As predicted, FOB prices are lower this week.

West- FOB prices are seeing upward pressures due to light supplies.

Market Trends: Week of February 20th, 2017



• Rounds- Demand remains weak. Supplies are slightly weaker compared to past weeks. Quality remain very good.  Mexico continues to dictate market prices and those prices remain at Suspension Agreement Minimums.  FOB prices in the east are a couple of dollars higher on ex-large this week and steady to slightly higher on large and medium sizes.  Barring a weather event, we expect prices to remain low and trade in a narrow range into March.  

• Romas- FOB prices for romas are steady this week on extra-large and large sizes and slightly lower on mediums.  Mexico is dictating roma market prices also.  We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range into next month.  Quality continues to be very good.  

• Grapes- FOB prices remain low but are slightly higher than last week. Quality is very good.

• Cherries- Prices are slightly higher compared to last week.  Mexico product has some quality issues which has caused repackers to pull product from FL.  Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL:  Mostly cloudy and windy tomorrow with a chance of showers. High will be in the low 80s.  Turning partly cloudy and cooler Thursday with highs in the mid-70s.  Partly cloudy skies with highs in the low 80s for the rest of the week.  A good chance of showers on Sunday.



• Rounds- Demand is abnormally weak.  Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is good. Barring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for at least the next 2-3 weeks.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue.  Quality is good.  FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes.  Prices should remain steady for the foreseeable future.

• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable.  Prices generally at Suspension Agreement minimums but have firmed up.

• Cherries- Quality is variable. Prices are generally steady to lower compared to last week.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Limited supplies is causing FOB prices to be considerably higher for all sizes and grades compared to last week. The strong winds from several weeks ago caused bloom drop which has caused yields to be reduced at this time.  This short supply is also due, in part, to growers letting their fields go when FOB prices were below the cost of harvesting. We expect pepper prices to remain active for the next few weeks. Quality is generally good.  

West- Crossings are down compared to the past several weeks causing FOB prices to be much stronger.  Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices are moderately lower again this week.  Quality remains variable.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Supplies remain strong.  Quality is generally good.


Green Squash

Supplies are starting to get tight and we expect them to continue to get tighter into the weekend and early part of next week.  In Mexico, the northern growing regions (Guaymas and Los Mochis) are winding down and expecting rain this weekend.  The next growing region (Hermosillo) will not begin until the 1st week of March.  Expect FOB prices for all size and grades to be higher the following week.

East- FOB prices are lower this week on both grades.  Quality is variable. 

West- We are seeing a wide range in quality.  The better quality is bringing higher FOB prices.  Crossings primarily at Nogales.



East- Off-shore volume continues with relatively light volume.  FOB prices are generally steady compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue.  FOB prices are steady to slightly lower.  We expect FOB prices to begin to fall in the near future. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.



East- FOB prices for both grades are generally steady. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week.  Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.



East- FOB prices are generally higher this week. Quality is good. 

West- FOB prices are steady to slightly stronger this week. Supplies remain good.  Quality is good.



East- FOB prices are steady but showing signs of weakening.  

West- FOB prices are seeing upward pressures.  


Market Trends: Week of February 13th, 2017



• Rounds- Demand remains weak while supplies and quality remain very good.  Mexico continues to dictate market prices and those prices remain at Suspension Agreement Minimums.  FOB prices are slightly lower on all sizes this week.  Barring a weather event, we expect prices to remain low and trade in a narrow range into March.  

• Romas- FOB prices for romas are lower this week on extra-large and large sizes and steady on mediums.  Mexico is also dictating roma market prices.  We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range into next month.  Quality continues to be very good.  

• Grapes- FOB prices remain steady at last week’s low prices. Quality is very good.

• Cherries- Prices remain steady from last week.  Mexico product has some quality issues which has caused repackers to pull product from FL.  Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL:  Partly cloudy to sunny skies through the weekend with highs mostly in the low 80s with lows in the 50s.  Only a slight chance of rain each day. 



• Rounds- Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is good. Barring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for the next month or so.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue.  Quality is good.  FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes.  Prices should remain steady for the foreseeable future.

• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable.  Prices generally at Suspension Agreement minimums.

• Cherries- Quality is variable and generally only fair. Some repackers are going east to meet their cherry demand due to quality concerns.  Prices remain steady from last week.

Green Bell Pepper

East- FOB prices are a little more active than they have been in the past several weeks but remain at low levels. Quality is generally very good.  

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices are moderately lower this week.  We continue to see quality issues.

West- FOB prices are lower this week. Supplies remain strong.  Quality is generally good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are lower this week on both grades.  Quality is variable. 

West- FOB prices are steady to slightly lower this week.  Crossings primarily at Nogales.



East- Off-shore volume continues but volume is lighter.  FOB prices are steady to slightly higher this week compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue.  FOB prices are slightly higher on supers and steady to slightly higher on selects. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.



East- FOB prices for fancy are slightly higher this week and slightly lower for choice. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week.  Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.



East- FOB prices are generally steady to higher this week. Quality is good. 

West- FOB prices are slightly higher this week. Supplies remain good.  Quality is good.



East- Demand is stronger this week. We continue to see some quality issues this week and FOB prices are higher.  

West- FOB prices are steady with upward pressures.  We are seeing a wider than normal range in FOB prices due to variableness in quality with the better quality demanding the higher FOB prices. 

Market Trends: Week of February 6, 2017



• Rounds- …and the beat goes on. Little change from the past several weeks. Demand remains

weak while supplies and quality remain very good. Mexico continues to dictate market prices

and those prices remain at Suspension Agreement Minimums. FOB prices remain steady to

lower on all sizes and we expect prices to remain anemic and trade in a rather narrow range

through February barring a weather event.

• Romas- FOB prices for romas are lower this week on all sizes and at these levels do not cover

the costs of growing and harvesting the product. Mexico is also dictating roma market prices.

We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range into next month.

Quality continues to be very good.

• Grapes- FOB prices are lower again this week compared to the previous week. Quality is very


• Cherries- Cherries are the one tomato commodity whose FOB prices are not at rock bottom.

Prices remain steady from last week. Mexico product has had quality issues which has caused

repackers to pull product from FL. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Good growing weather. Mostly sunny skies with highs

near 80 through early next week. Lows at night will be in the mid-50s. Little chance of rain

through the period.


Rounds- Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB

prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. The forecast calls for nearly perfect

growing weather for the next 10 days. Quality is good. Baring a weather event, we expect the

round tomato market to remain relatively stable for the next month or so.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Quality is good. FOB prices are generally at

Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes.

• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is good. Prices generally at Suspension

Agreement minimums.

• Cherries- Quality is variable and generally only fair. Some repackers are going east to meet

their cherry demand due to quality concerns.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week and FOB prices remain at extremely low levels. Quality is a little more variable due to the winds from last week’s storms but good quality is still available.

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are steady to slightly lower this week. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies remain tight but are more available this week. FOB prices are lower. We continue to see quality issues primarily due to scarring which was caused by the wind. The cool weather that Florida has experience this past weekend and into this week will cause a slowdown of supplies toward this weekend.

West- FOB prices are lower this week reacting to lower prices in the east and more supplies available in the west from new fields.

Green Squash

East- A similar situation for green squash. FOB prices are lower this week on both grades. Quality is variable due to the wind from last weekend.

West- FOB prices are lower this week as more supplies become available from new fields. Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East- Off-shore volume continues. FOB prices are steady to slightly lower this week compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. FOB prices are lower on both supers and selects. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.


East- FOB prices for fancy are steady to a little lower this week and lower for choice. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are generally steady to lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are generally steady to lower this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.


East- We are seeing some quality issues this week and FOB prices are higher.

West- Lighter plantings are producing fewer supplies which is causing FOB prices to be higher this week. We are seeing a wider than normal range in FOB prices due to variableness in quality with the better quality demanding the higher FOB prices.

Market Trends: Week of January 23, 2017



Rounds- Demand at the field level for rounds is weak. Mexico is dictating market prices. FOB prices are still low but continue to slowly rise off the bottom for all sizes. As reported last week, the Palmetto growing region has all but finished which has caused less acreage in FL. However, good supplies and excellent quality continue to be seen out of FL. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low and trade in a rather narrow range into February.

Romas- FOB prices for romas are lower this week. Mexico is also dictating market prices of romas. And also like rounds, barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range into next month. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- Less acreage and good demand has caused FOB prices to be higher compared to last week. Nevertheless, FOB prices remain at low levels. Quality is very good.

Cherries- Same situation as grape tomatoes. Fewer supplies has caused FOB prices to rise by several dollars over last week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecasts- Immokalee, FL: Good growing weather with mostly sunny days with highs in the low 80s through the weekend. Lows at night will be near 60. Little change of rain until Monday.


Rounds- Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is good. The weather has cooled off a little in the growing regions with highs only in the 70s and lows in the upper 40s. Baring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for the next month or so.

Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Quality is good. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes.

Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality continues to improve. Prices generally at Suspension Agreement minimums.

Cherries- Quality continues to improve. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums but we are seeing some signs of a little upward pressure.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week and FOB prices are generally steady trading within a narrow range on all sizes and grades. Quality is very good.

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are steady to lower this week. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies remain tight this week. We normally can lean on MX during this time of year if necessary but, as we have reported, their supplies are also down. And the cool weather in MX has caused those supplies to get even tighter. Expect FOB prices to remain generally steady from last week. However, we do expect more supply to become available toward the weekend and expect FOB prices to begin to fall after next week barring a weather event. We continue to see quality issues primarily due to scarring which was caused by the wind. The spread on FOB prices continue to be wider than normal with the quality product demanding a higher FOB price.

West- Because of the cooler than normal weather, supplies are even tighter this week. As a result, the little product that is currently crossing at Nogales is demanding higher FOB prices again this week. As reported last week, we are waiting on new fields to start producing; however, the cool weather has delayed the growth and pushed back first harvest. Those new fields should start producing this weekend or early next week which will begin to put downward pressures on FOB prices.

Green Squash

East- A similar situation for green squash. FOB prices are high again this week. Due to the wide range in quality, there is an extremely wide range of FOB pricing with the better quality fruit demanding a premium price. Same outlook for greens as was the outlook for yellows.

West- As reported last week, the white-fly has infested some MX fields. Crossings are down and FOB prices are up again this week for both grades/sizes. Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East-The FL cucumber season is over. Off-shore volume continues. FOB prices are slightly lower this week compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Demand is decent. FOB prices are steady on supers and slightly higher on selects. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.


East- FOB prices for fancy are a little stronger this week and steady to a little stronger for choice. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are steady to lower again this week. Increased demand from the east may put upward pressure on prices. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are generally steady to lower this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.


East- FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are higher this week. Quality is good.

West- Quality continues to be variable this week and FOB prices continue to be steady.

Market Trends: Week of January 16th, 2017



Rounds- FOB prices are still low but are now above rock-bottom levels. The Palmetto growing region has all but finished up leaving less acreage in FL. Also, cool weather has slowed growth which has caused yields to temporarily drop. However, good supplies and excellent quality continue to be seen out of FL. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low through January.

Romas- FOB prices for romas are generally steady with some upward pressures. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- Cooler temps and less acreage have cause a decrease in supplies and FOB prices are higher compared to last week. Quality is very good.

Cherries- Same situation as grape tomatoes. Fewer supplies have caused FOB prices to rise by several dollars over last week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecasts- Immokalee, FL: Better growing weather returns with mostly sunny days with highs around 80 through the weekend. Lows at night will be near 60. Little change of rain until next week.


Rounds- Baja is all but finished for the season. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. Demand continues to be weak for both mature greens and for 2-layer vineripes. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is good. Baring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for the next 4-5 weeks.

Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Baja is practically finished for the season. Quality is improving. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums for the smaller sizes. Growers are able to charge a little more for the larger sizes

Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Like the rounds and romas, the Nogales crossings continue to increase while the Baja crossing are practically finished for the season. Quality continues to be variable but is improving. Prices generally at Suspension Agreement minimums.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the quality of cherries continues to be variable but is improving. FOB prices are at or near the minimums.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week while demand remains weak on all sizes. Accordingly, FOB prices are generally steady with some slight downward pressure on all sizes and grades. Quality is good.

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices remain generally steady at last week’s depressed levels. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices continue to rise steadily. We continue to see quality issues primarily due to scarring which was caused by the winds of the past week. The spread on FOB prices continue to be wider than normal with the quality product demanding a higher FOB price.

West- Supplies are practically non-existent this week. This is due to growers letting their fields go when FOB prices dropped below the cost of harvesting the past several weeks. As a result, the little product that is currently crossing at Nogales is demanding much higher FOB prices again this week. We are waiting on new fields to start to be harvested which should be toward the end of next week.

Green Squash

East- A similar situation for green squash. FOB prices are up again this week. Due to the wide range in quality, there is an extremely wide range of FOB pricing with the better quality fruit demanding a premium price.

West- The white-fly has infested some MX fields. Crossings are down and FOB prices are up this week for both grades/sizes. Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East- For all practical purposes, the FL cucumber season is over. Off-shore volume continues. FOB prices are slightly higher this week compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Demand has perked-up somewhat. FOB prices are steady to higher this week. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.


East- FOB prices remain low again this week on both grades and shows some signs of weakening even further. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are steady to lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are generally higher this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.


East- FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are steady this week but we are seeing some signs of upward pressures. Quality is good.

West- Quality continues to be variable this week. FOB prices are generally steady this week.

Market Trends: Week of January 9th, 2017



Rounds- Good supplies continue but we are not seeing the excessive supplies that were seeing

over the holiday period. Most growers have cleaned up inventories. This is due to various

growers leaving 2nd pickings in the field and good demand yesterday as the pipeline gets

refilled. We do not expect the increase in demand to continue. Quality continues to be very

good. FOB prices remain at low levels but the 5x6 and 6x7 sizes are slightly higher compared

to last week. The 6x6s are steady. Lower temperatures are expected next week but a freeze is

not forecasted. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low through January.

Romas - The roma tomato market is the one tomato commodity that has not been at rock

bottom during the past few weeks. However, the Ex-large and large sizes are lower this week

while the medium size is stable. We may see some continued downward pressure out of FL on

all sizes in the next week or two as more Mexican romas become available. Quality continues

to be very good.

Grapes - Supplies continue to be good and prices remain generally steady to slightly lower

compared to last week. Quality is very good.

Cherries - Supplies and quality remain good. FOB prices are steady to higher this week.

• Weather forecasts - Ruskin, FL: Perfect growing weather will be exiting this week as rain is
expected Friday and Saturday and turning much cooler over the weekend with a high on
Sunday of only 60 and a low of 40. Immokalee, FL: Pretty much the same forecast as for
Ruskin except it will not be quite as cool with highs on Sunday in the mid-60s with lows in the


Rounds - Crossing continue to increase. Demand continues to be weak for both mature

greens and for 2-layer vine-ripes. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums.

Quality is good. Baring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain

relatively stable for the next 4-6 weeks.

Romas - Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. We expect crossings to continue to

increase at Nogales as they come to an end at Baja. Quality continues to be variable but is

improving. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums for the smaller

sizes. Growers are able to charge a little more for the larger sizes

Grapes - Crossings primarily from Baja and Nogales. Like the rounds and romas, the Nogales

crossings continue to increase while the Baja crossing are finishing up for the season. Quality

continues to be variable but is improving. Prices generally at Suspension Agreement


Cherries - Like grape tomatoes, the quality of cherries continues to be variable but is

improving. Some repackers continue to go east to meet their needs. FOB prices are at or near

the minimums.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week while demand remains weak on all sizes except for large. Demand has been strong for large pepper. Accordingly, FOB prices are steady to down slightly on all sizes and grades except for the large. Quality is good.

West - Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are down on mediums and choice while remaining generally steady to down on Ex-large and large. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East - We continue to see quality issues. The spread on FOB prices has widened from last week with the quality product demanding a higher FOB price.

West - Crossings continue at Nogales. FOB prices are steady to higher this week. Quality remains good.

Green Squash

East - FOB prices are up this week on good quality mediums and steady to up on fancy. Quality is more variable compared to last week.

West - FOB prices are steady to up this week on fancy grade and higher on mediums. Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is good.


East - Off-shore volume remains heavy. FOB prices are higher for supers and steady to higher on selects. Demand remains weak. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West - Nogales crossing continue to increase and demand is weak. FOB prices are steady to down again. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.


East - FOB prices remain low again this week on both grades. Quality is good.

West - FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East - FOB prices are generally lower this week with good supplies. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are slightly higher this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.


East - FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are steady this week. Quality is good.

West - Quality is more variable this week. FOB prices are generally higher this week for quality product.