• Rounds- Demand is a little stronger this week. Supplies remain good. Quality
remains good. In the next few weeks we are expecting to see a slight downtick in
yields due to winds resulting from the only cold front this entire winter that came
through the growing region several weeks ago. Mexico continues to dictate market
prices and those prices remain at Suspension Agreement Minimums. FOB prices in
the east remain within a narrow range with slight upward pressures. We expect prices
to remain low and to continue to trade in a narrow range for at least the first half of
March barring a major weather event.
• Romas- FOB prices for romas also continue to trade within a narrow range and
Mexico is dictating this market also. FOB prices are up this week on all sizes but
remain at very low levels. We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a
narrow range. Quality continues to be very good.
• Grapes- Ample supplies are causing FOB prices to fall even further this week. Quality
remains very good.
• Cherries- Prices remains steady compared to the past several weeks. Quality remains
very good.
• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Cloudy with afternoon showers likely Wednesday
and Thursday. Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s. It will be mostly sunny but cooler
over the weekend with highs near 80.
• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales
but we continue to see signs of a slight seasonal slowdown. Crossings also continue at
McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality has been
suspect and variable this week but we are beginning to see some improvement. We
expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for at least the next several
• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Open field growers have largely
wound down while shade growers continue strong. Quality is good. FOB prices
remain at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes. Prices should remain steady
for the foreseeable future.
• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Prices generally at
Suspension Agreement minimums.
• Cherries- Quality is more suspect and variable this week. We are seeing decay, skin
check and SDA (sunken, discolored areas). We are continuing to see a wider-thannormal
range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Overall, FOB prices are
lower this week.
Green Bell Pepper
East- Better supplies in both the east and west have caused pepper FOB prices to fall
on all sizes and grades. Quality continues to be good.
West- New supplies have caused FOB prices to fall sharply this week. Quality is good.
Yellow Squash
East- Prior rain and winds have decreased the supply and quality. Supplies will not
meet demand. FOB prices are up sharply. A similar shortage in the west give
suppliers few options. We expect the market to remain active for at least a couple of
West- Quality is much poorer this week. Supplies are very light. FOB prices are
higher. It will not be before the middle of March before new fields start producing.
Green Squash
East- Similar story as the yellow squash: fewer supplies, poorer quality and higher
FOB prices. Large size is also tighter with higher FOB prices.
West- FOB prices are up strongly this week for all grades and sizes as supplies are
down and quality is suspect. Crossings primarily at Nogales.
East- Off-shore supplies continue. FOB prices are currently down slightly compared to
last week but are expected to get stronger as we head into the weekend. Quality of
the off-shore product remains variable.
West- Nogales crossing continue. FOB prices for supers are down while selects are
generally steady. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.
East- FOB prices are generally lower for fancy and choice. Quality is good.
West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is
East- FOB prices are steady to lower this week. Quality is good.
West- FOB prices are steady with upward pressures this week. Quality is good.
East- Supplies have decreased as a result of the bloom drop that occurred in January.
FOB prices are steady to higher with continued upward pressures.
West- New supplies have caused FOB prices to fall. However, demand has also
increased as a larger portion of the country is now looking to MX to supply their
needs. The level of increased demand will determine how low the FOB prices will fall
this week