Market Trends: Week of January 2nd, 2017

Our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!



• Rounds- Excess supplies out of Central and South FL fields coupled with weak demand are keeping FOB prices at or near the lowest levels of the year. Quality continues to be very good. FOB prices are generally steady this week on all sizes. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low through January; however, they may not remain at rock bottom levels as they are now.

Romas- The roma tomato market is weak but is the one tomato commodity that is not at rock bottom. FOB prices remain generally steady this week. We may begin to see some downward pressure out of FL on these prices in the next week or two as more Mexican romas become available. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- Supplies continue to be good and prices remain generally steady compared to last week. Quality is very good.

Cherries- Supplies and quality remain good. FOB prices are generally steady.

• Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy skies with cooler temperatures are expected through New Year’s Day. Highs mostly in the 70 but the high on Friday is expected to reach only 64. Little chance of rain is expected until next Tuesday. Immokalee, FL: Like Ruskin, partly cloudy skies most days and cooler with highs in the low 80s until Friday. The high Friday will be only 67. Little chance of rain until next Tuesday.


Rounds- As we have reported, cooler than normal weather has caused the Nogales crossings to be slightly behind a normal schedule. However, crossing are finally picking up. This coupled with weak demand is causing FOB prices to fall. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums. Fewer repackers are having to go to FL to meet their needs. We expect Nogales crossings to continue to increase but not hit normal levels until toward the end of next month. Quality has improved and is now generally good. Vine-ripes are also currently crossing at McAllen. Quality from there is also improving.

Romas- Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. We expect crossings to continue to increase at Nogales as they come to an end at Baja. Quality continues to be variable but is improving. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums.

Grapes- Crossings primarily from Baja and Nogales. Like the rounds and romas, the Nogales crossings continue to increase while the Baja crossing are finishing up for the season. Quality continues to be variable but is improving.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the quality of cherries continues to be variable but is improving. FOB prices are at or near the minimums.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week while demand remains weak. FOB prices are steady to down slightly on all sizes and grades. Quality is good.

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are down on all sizes and grades. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies remain strong. FOB prices are lower again this week on both sizes. Quality continues to be variable primarily due to scarring but is improving.

West- Crossings continue to increase at Nogales. FOB prices are down on fancy grade and steady to down slightly on medium. Quality is good.

Green Squash

East- FOB prices are down this week on all grades and sizes. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are down this week on fancy grade and generally steady with downward pressure on mediums. Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is good.


East- Off-shore volume remains heavy. FOB prices for all grades and sizes are generally steady. Demand is weak. Quality of the off-shore product is variable and not as good as in prior weeks.

West- Nogales crossing continue to increase. Demand is weak. FOB prices are steady to down slightly. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains very good.


East- FOB prices remain low again this week on both grades. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower this week. Supplies are good. Quality is good.


East- FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are down slightly again this week from last week. Quality is good.

West- Supplies continue to be good. FOB prices are generally lower again this week.

Market Trends: Week ofDecember 26th, 2016



  • Rounds- Good weather and good production continues from our Central and Southern FL fields.  The quality of the fruit remains mostly excellent.  As reported the last couple of weeks, western customers are coming east to meet much of their demand.  Although improved, sizing remains on the smaller side of specs.  FOB’s for ex-large remains unchanged from last week while the cost of large and medium sizes have fallen slightly.  The weather forecast continues to be favorable and we do not see anything on the horizon to adversely affect pricing or quality.
  • Romas- Sizing is even more critical with romas than it is with the rounds.  FOB prices for the ex-large and large remain mostly unchanged while the price of mediums have fallen due increased supplies of that size.  Quality continues to be very good.
  • Grapes- The supply and demand for grape tomatoes are in equilibrium and therefore FOB prices are generally steady from last week.  We are seeing some downward pressures.  Quality is very good.
  • Cherries- Supplies and quality remain good.  Prices remain generally steady from last week with some downward pressure.
  • Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL:  Partly cloudy skies with highs in the mid-70s until Saturday.  Warmer temperatures over the weekend with highs in the low to mid-80s.  First chance of rain is Sunday.  Immokalee, FL:  Partly cloudy skies with highs in the low to mid 80s into next week.  Little chance of rain through the period.



  • Rounds- Mature greens remain largely unavailable out of the west. It is still a week or two away before the Culiacan crop is available. Repackers are having to use Mexican vine-ripes and go to FL to meet their needs.  Mexico is entering into the winter transition period as Baja is winding down while Nogales is starting up and is not yet at full production. We expect volume out of MX to continue to be weak until late December or early January. Vine-ripes are also currently crossing at McAllen.  Quality is variable.
  • Romas- Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue.  Quality continues to be extremely variable with FOB’s of the better quality product slightly higher this week compared to last week.
  • Grapes- Crossings primarily from Baja and Nogales.  Supplies and demand remain light with a wide range of quality (mainly splits) and FOB prices.  Many western repackers continue to go east to meet demand and for quality.
  • Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries remain tight and there continues to be a wide range in quality.  Many western repackers continue to go east to meet demand and for quality.    



Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week.   This should be the last week for the GA crop. Demand is weak.  FOB prices remain generally steady with continued downward pressure. Overall, quality is good.

West- More supplies continue to cross at Nogales and the desert is still harvesting.  FOB prices are generally steady. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- Good growing weather has increased yields.  FOB prices are slightly lower again this week.  Quality continues to be variable as it has been most of the fall.

West- Crossings continue to increase at Nogales.  FOB prices are down again this week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are generally steady on both sizes.  Quality continues to be good. 

West- FOB prices are generally steady this week on mediums and are down on fancy.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues but is winding down in FL.  Off-shore volume is increasing causing FOB prices for all grades and sizes to fall. Quality is generally good.

West- Baja crossings are practically over.  Nogales crossing continue.  Market has been active but current pricing is steady with downward pressure compared to last week. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains very good.



East- FOB prices are lower again this week on both grades. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower this week.  Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.



East- FOB prices are stronger this week. Quality is good. 

West- FOB prices are generally steady this week.  Quality is good.



East- FL lake supplies continue.  Good demand is putting upward pressures on FOB prices.  Quality is good.

West- Supplies continue to be good. FOB prices are generally steady to higher this week.  

Market Trends: Week of December 19th, 2016



Rounds- Demand at the field level for rounds is weak. Mexico is dictating market prices. FOB prices are still low but continue to slowly rise off the bottom for all sizes. As reported last week, the Palmetto growing region has all but finished which has caused less acreage in FL. However, good supplies and excellent quality continue to be seen out of FL. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low and trade in a rather narrow range into February.

Romas- FOB prices for romas are lower this week. Mexico is also dictating market prices of romas. And also like rounds, barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range into next month. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- Less acreage and good demand has caused FOB prices to be higher compared to last week. Nevertheless, FOB prices remain at low levels. Quality is very good.

Cherries- Same situation as grape tomatoes. Fewer supplies has caused FOB prices to rise by several dollars over last week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecasts- Immokalee, FL: Good growing weather with mostly sunny days with highs in the low 80s through the weekend. Lows at night will be near 60. Little change of rain until Monday.


Rounds- Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is good. The weather has cooled off a little in the growing regions with highs only in the 70s and lows in the upper 40s. Baring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for the next month or so.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Quality is good. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes.

Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality continues to improve. Prices generally at Suspension Agreement minimums.

Cherries- Quality continues to improve. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums but we are seeing some signs of a little upward pressure.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week and FOB prices are generally steady trading within a narrow range on all sizes and grades. Quality is very good.

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are steady to lower this week. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies remain tight this week. We normally can lean on MX during this time of year if necessary but, as we have reported, their supplies are also down. And the cool weather in MX has caused those supplies to get even tighter. Expect FOB prices to remain generally steady from last week. However, we do expect more supply to become available toward the weekend and expect FOB prices to begin to fall after next week barring a weather event. We continue to see quality issues primarily due to scarring which was caused by the wind. The spread on FOB prices continue to be wider than normal with the quality product demanding a higher FOB price.

West- Because of the cooler than normal weather, supplies are even tighter this week. As a result, the little product that is currently crossing at Nogales is demanding higher FOB prices again this week. As reported last week, we are waiting on new fields to start producing; however, the cool weather has delayed the growth and pushed back first harvest. Those new fields should start producing this weekend or early next week which will begin to put downward pressures on FOB prices.

Green Squash

East- A similar situation for green squash. FOB prices are high again this week. Due to the wide range in quality, there is an extremely wide range of FOB pricing with the better quality fruit demanding a premium price. Same outlook for greens as was the outlook for yellows.

West- As reported last week, the white-fly has infested some MX fields. Crossings are down and FOB prices are up again this week for both grades/sizes. Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East-The FL cucumber season is over. Off-shore volume continues. FOB prices are slightly lower this week compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Demand is decent. FOB prices are steady on supers and slightly higher on selects. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.


East- FOB prices for fancy are a little stronger this week and steady to a little stronger for choice. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are steady to lower again this week. Increased demand from the east may put upward pressure on prices. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are generally steady to lower this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.


East- FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are higher this week. Quality is good.

West- Quality continues to be variable this week and FOB prices continue to be steady.

Market Trends: Week of December 12th, 2016



Rounds- FOB prices are still low but are now above rock-bottom levels. The Palmetto growing region has all but finished up leaving less acreage in FL. Also, cool weather has slowed growth which has caused yields to temporarily drop. However, good supplies and excellent quality continue to be seen out of FL. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low through January.

Romas- FOB prices for romas are generally steady with some upward pressures. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- Cooler temps and less acreage have cause a decrease in supplies and FOB prices are higher compared to last week. Quality is very good.

Cherries- Same situation as grape tomatoes. Fewer supplies have caused FOB prices to rise by several dollars over last week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecasts- Immokalee, FL: Better growing weather returns with mostly sunny days with highs around 80 through the weekend. Lows at night will be near 60. Little change of rain until next week.


Rounds- Baja is all but finished for the season. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. Demand continues to be weak for both mature greens and for 2-layer vineripes. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is good. Baring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for the next 4-5 weeks.

Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Baja is practically finished for the season. Quality is improving. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums for the smaller sizes. Growers are able to charge a little more for the larger sizes

Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Like the rounds and romas, the Nogales crossings continue to increase while the Baja crossing are practically finished for the season. Quality continues to be variable but is improving. Prices generally at Suspension Agreement minimums.

• Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the quality of cherries continues to be variable but is improving. FOB prices are at or near the minimums.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week while demand remains weak on all sizes. Accordingly, FOB prices are generally steady with some slight downward pressure on all sizes and grades. Quality is good.

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices remain generally steady at last week’s depressed levels. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices continue to rise steadily. We continue to see quality issues primarily due to scarring which was caused by the winds of the past week. The spread on FOB prices continue to be wider than normal with the quality product demanding a higher FOB price.

West- Supplies are practically non-existent this week. This is due to growers letting their fields go when FOB prices dropped below the cost of harvesting the past several weeks. As a result, the little product that is currently crossing at Nogales is demanding much higher FOB prices again this week. We are waiting on new fields to start to be harvested which should be toward the end of next week.

Green Squash

East- A similar situation for green squash. FOB prices are up again this week. Due to the wide range in quality, there is an extremely wide range of FOB pricing with the better quality fruit demanding a premium price.

West- The white-fly has infested some MX fields. Crossings are down and FOB prices are up this week for both grades/sizes. Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East- For all practical purposes, the FL cucumber season is over. Off-shore volume continues. FOB prices are slightly higher this week compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Demand has perked-up somewhat. FOB prices are steady to higher this week. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.


East- FOB prices remain low again this week on both grades and shows some signs of weakening even further. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are steady to lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are generally higher this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.


East- FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are steady this week but we are seeing some signs of upward pressures. Quality is good.

West- Quality continues to be variable this week. FOB prices are generally steady this week.



Market Trends: Week of 05 Dec, 2016



Rounds- Good production continues from our Central and Southern FL fields.  A good weather pattern has set up over FL which has brought little to no rain, a lot of sunshine and good growing temperatures.  The quality of the fruit continues to improve and is close to excellent.  Yields are also increasing.  However, demand continues to also increase as more and more western customers are coming east to meet demand due to the below average crossings from MX.  Because of this increased demand from the west, supplies and demand remain in general equilibrium out of FL this week causing FOB prices to remain largely unchanged with some continued downward pressure.  Sizing is improving but is still below average. The current weather pattern is expected to continue for several more weeks which means good quality and quantity can be expected to continue into the foreseeable future.

Romas- Supplies are steady.  FOB prices are also generally steady with some downward pressure. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- FOB prices are generally steady with some downward pressure.  Quality is good.

Cherries- Supplies and quality remain good.  FOB prices are generally steady with some downward pressure. 

Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL:  Mostly sunny skies with highs mostly in the low 80s and lows in the mid-60s.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.  Immokalee, FL:  Partly cloudy with highs in the mid to upper 80s.  Lows mostly in the mid to upper 60s.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.



Rounds- Mature greens remain largely unavailable out of the west. It is still a couple of weeks away before the Culiacan crop is available. Repackers are having to use Mexican vine-ripes and go to FL to meet their needs.  Cool and wet weather in the Mexican growing regions has caused crossings to remain below average.  We expect volume out of MX to continue to be weak until late December or early January.

Romas- Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue.  FOB prices are generally steady for all three sizes.  Quality continues to improve but is still variable. The medium size remains at Suspension Agreement minimums.

Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno.  Supplies and demand remain light.  FOB prices are steady to down compared to last week.  Many western repackers are going east to meet demand.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries remain tight and there continues to be a wide range in quality.  Many western repackers continue to go east to meet demand.     

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with various fields from south Ga to south FL in production.  However, the GA fields are toward the end of the crop.  Demand is weak.  FOB prices are lower on all grades and sizes. Overall, quality is good.

West- More supplies continue to cross at Nogales and the desert is still harvesting.  FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- Good growing weather has increased yields.  FOB prices are slightly lower this week.  Quality is variable but improving.

West- Light crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices remain relatively high and are steady to slightly lower this week compared to last week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are lower on both sizes.  Quality continues to be good.  Large zucchini market is also lower this week.

West- FOB prices are generally steady this week on all grades and sizes.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues in FL.  FOB prices are lower on both grades. Quality is generally good.

West- Baja crossings are winding down while Nogales crossing are picking up.  FOB prices are lower this week.  Quality through Nogales is very good.



East- FOB prices are lower this week on both grades. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower this week.  Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.



East- FOB prices are steady to lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are seeing a wider range in the west this week but overall are generally steady.  Quality is good.



East- Supplies continue to increase. FOB prices are down again this week.

West- Supplies continue to increase causing FOB prices to fall again this week.  Quality is variable but improving.

Market Trends: Week of 28 Nov, 2016



Rounds- Like last week, supplies continue to slowly increase but demand has also picked-up as many western repackers are coming east to meet demand.  Therefore, supplies and demand remain in general equilibrium out of our FL this week causing FOB prices to remain largely unchanged with some continued downward pressure.  Sizing is improving.  In fact, 6x7s and 6x6s might actually begin to get tight later this week.  The quality of fruit on the vines that will be harvested over the next several weeks looks excellent and yields should improve.

Romas- Supplies have increased somewhat causing FOB prices to fall slightly on all sizes. Quality continues to be good.

Grapes- Demand has increased slightly.  FOB prices are generally steady with some upward pressure.  Quality is good.

Cherries- Supplies and quality continue to improve.  FOB prices continue to fall.

Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy skies with daytime highs near 80 and lows in the upper 50s to low 60s.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.  Immokalee, FL:  Partly cloudy with highs in the low to mid 80s.  Lows mostly in the low 60s.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.



Rounds- Mature greens remain unavailable out of CA.  Repackers are having to use Mexican vine-ripes and go to FL to meet their needs.  Cool and wet weather in the Mexican growing regions has caused crossings to decline.  We expect volume out of MX to continue to be weak until late December or early January. However, mature greens out of new fields appear to be ahead of schedule and should be producing in a couple of weeks.  Prices for 5x6, 6x6 and 6x7s are generally steady out of FL but the 4x4 and 4x5s out of MX will are bringing higher FOBs due to decreased volume.  

Romas-Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue.  FOB prices are generally steady for all three sizes.  Quality continues to improve but is still variable.

Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno.  Supplies and demand remain light.  Many western repackers are going east to meet demand.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries remain tight and there continues to be a wide range in quality.  Many western repackers continue to go east to meet demand.    


Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with various fields in full production.  Demand is weak.  FOB prices remain steady at last week’s low prices on all grades and sizes. Overall, quality is good.

West- More supplies continue to cross at Nogales and the desert is still harvesting.  FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- Yields continue to decline.  FOB prices are slightly higher again this week.  Quality is variable.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices are higher this week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are steady on both sizes.  Quality continues to be good.  Large zucchini market remains steady.

West- FOB prices are higher this week on all grades and sizes.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues in FL.  FOB prices are up on supers and generally steady on selects. Quality is generally good.

West- Baja crossings are winding down but Nogales crossing are picking up.  FOB prices are generally lower this week.  Quality through Nogales is very good.



East- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are steady this week.  Nogales crossings continue.



East- FOB prices are steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB price are steady to down slightly in the west this week.  Quality is good.



East- Supplies are now good.  Demand remains relatively strong.  FOB prices are down slightly again this week.

West- Demand is stronger but supplies continue to increase causing FOB prices to fall again this week.  Quality is variable.

Market Trends: Week of 21 Nov, 2016



Rounds- Supplies continue to slowly increase but demand has also picked-up as many western repackers are coming east to meet demand.  Therefore, supplies and demand remain in general equilibrium out of our FL this week causing FOB prices to remain largely unchanged with some downward pressure compared to last week.  We expect the Palmetto/Ruskin region not to reach full production until around Thanksgiving.  As we have previously reported, it appears that the overall yields from these fields will be below average.  Sizing continues to be on the small side of specs. Cooler weather is expected by this weekend with lows in the 40s which will slow growth.  Quality continues to be good. 

Romas- Supplies are generally stable on all three sizes. FOB prices are generally steady with upward pressure on the extra-large and are steady with downward pressure on the large and medium sizes.  Quality continues to be good.

Grapes- More available supplies have caused FOB prices to fall again from last week.  Quality is good.

Cherries- FOB prices remain steady with downward pressure from last week. Quality and shelf-life continue to improve.

Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL: Sunny and turning much cooler by this weekend with lows in the upper 40s Sunday and Monday nights.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.  Immokalee, FL:  Sunny and turning much cooler by this weekend with lows in the middle to upper 40s Sunday and Monday.  Little chance of rain through the period.



Rounds- As reported last week, the CA crop is over for the season.  Repackers are having to go to MX and to FL to meet their needs.   FOB prices are higher this week compared to last week.  Also, freight costs are higher to transport product from the east coast. More supplies should be crossing in the next several weeks but we expect volume to be below average out of MX until January when new fields should start producing. 

Romas-The CA crop is over for the season. Baja and new product crossings at Nogales continue.  FOB prices for the medium sized romas are generally steady again this week with slightly higher prices for the large and ex-large sizes. Quality continues to be variable but is improving. 

Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno. After falling for the past several weeks, FOB prices are higher this week compared to last week. Supplies are still tight and some western repackers are going east to meet demand.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries has tightened up slightly causing FOB prices to be higher compared to last week. There continues to be a wide range in quality causing for a wide range in FOB prices. Some western repackers are going east to meet demand.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with the southern GA and FL crops in full production.  Demand is weak.  FOB prices are seeing downward pressures again this week on all grades and sizes. We are seeing some bruising but, overall, quality is good.

West- More supplies continue to cross at Nogales and the desert is still harvesting.  FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- Demand continues to be weak but supplies are not quite as plentiful this week and quality is not quite as good.  FOB prices are slightly higher again this week.

West- Increased crossings at Nogales is causing downward pressure on FOB prices this week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are steady with upward pressures this week on fancy grade and up on the medium. Quality continues to be good.  Large zucchini is tight but currently there is enough to meet demand.  The cooler forecasted temperatures may put more pressure on supplies of the large size.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week on the fancy grade and generally steady on the medium.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues in the south GA and FL but the GA crop is coming to an end.  Supplies have been lighter and the markets active this week.  FOB prices are higher.  We expect this higher market to be short-lived as more supplies are expected to come on-line next week. Quality is generally good.

West- Baja crossings are winding down but Nogales crossing are picking up.  Prices have been active again this week adjusting to supplies and demand.  Quality through Nogales is very good.


East- FOB prices are generally lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week.  Nogales crossings continue.



East- An increase in supplies are causing FOB prices to fall this week. Quality is good. 

West- FOB price are also down in the west this week.  Quality is good.



East- There is higher demand this week due to the holidays.  Currently, FOB prices are steady but the increased demand is putting upward pressure on prices.

West- As predicted, FOB prices are lower this week as more product has started to be harvested.  FOB prices are down as much as $10 compared to last week.

Market Trends: Week of 14 Nov 2016



• Rounds- Supplies continue to slowly increase from FL fields.  Because demand continues to be anemic, this small increase in supply is causing FOB prices to fall again this week on all sizes. We expect the Palmetto/Ruskin region not to reach full production until around Thanksgiving.  As we have previously reported, it appears that the overall yields from these fields will be below average.  We have reported in previous weeks that sizing has been on the minimum side but with the recent good growing weather we should start to see sizing in the more normal range within the next week or two. Quality continues to be good.

• Romas- Supplies are generally stable.  FOB prices are generally steady with some slight upward pressure.  Quality continues to be good.

• Grapes- More available supplies have caused FOB prices to fall again from last week.  Quality is good.

• Cherries- Supplies continue to be light but have increased. FOB prices are down from last week. Quality and shelf-life continue are improving.

• Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL: Partly to mostly sunny into this weekend with highs near 80 and lows in the lower 60s. Little chance of rain into next week.



• Rounds- As reported last week, the CA crop is over for the season.  Any tomatoes coming from that region are clean-up tomatoes whose quality and shelf-life are suspect. Repackers are having to go to MX to meet their needs.  Demand continues to be sluggish.  FOB prices are lower this week compared to last week. More supplies should be crossing in the next several weeks but we expect volume to be below average out of MX until January when the Culiacon crop begins.

• Romas-The CA crop is over for the season. Baja and new product crossings at Nogales continue. FOB prices for all sizes are generally steady again this week. Quality continues to be variable but is improving.

• Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno. FOB prices are down again this week compared to last week. Supplies are still tight and some western repackers are going east to meet demand.

• Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries has improved slightly causing FOB prices to fall compared to last week. There continues to be a wide range in quality causing for a wide range in FOB prices. Some western repackers are going east to meet demand.




Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with the southern GA and FL crops in full production.  Demand is weak.  FOB prices are seeing downward pressures again this week. Quality is good.

West- More supplies crossing at Nogales and the desert is still harvesting.  FOB prices are lower again this week. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- Demand continues to be weak but supplies are not quite as plentiful this week and quality is not quite as good.  FOB prices are slightly higher compared to last week and we expect upward pressure on prices to continue this week and into next week as some of the more northern growers are finishing up for the season.

West- Like the east, FOB prices are higher this week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are steady with upward pressures this week. Quality continues to be good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues in the south GA and FL fields and FOB prices are down from last week.  However, the GA crop is coming to an end.  Quality is improving.

West- Baja crossings are winding down but Nogales crossing are picking up.  Prices have been active this week adjusting to supplies and demand.  Quality through Nogales is very good.



East- FOB prices are generally steady to slightly down this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are seeing downward pressure again this week.  Nogales crossings continue.



East- FOB prices are steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB price are generally steady this week.  Quality is good.



East- A few more supplies and weak demand has caused the FOB prices for beans to fall again this week.

West- FOB prices are generally steady at last week’s high levels. Supplies remain extremely tight but we should begin to some relieve within the next 1-2 weeks when the new MX fields should start harvesting.

Market Trends: Week of 07 Nov 2016



• Rounds- The good news is that all three regions of FL are now harvesting tomatoes. The bad news is volume from all three regions is extremely light. The Quincy region is winding down and are on 2nd and 3rd pickings. Yields are light and quality from this region continues to be variable with suspect shelf-life. Yields also continue to be light out of the Palmetto/Ruskin area. Quality from these fields continue to be very good. A few growers in the southern region have begun to pick this week. Quality is very good but volume is extremely light here at start-up. Sizing from all three regions are on the small side with very few 4x5s available. FOB prices continue to fall on all three sizes. Quality should continue to improve as volume increases out of the central and southern regions.

• Romas- Additional supplies and continued weak demand has caused FOB prices to fall slightly again this week. Quality continues to improve.

• Grapes- More available supplies have caused FOB prices to fall again from last week. Quality is improving.

• Cherries- Supplies continue to be very light. FOB prices steady to up slightly from last week. Quality and shelf-life continue to be variable.

• Weather forecasts- Quincy, FL: Cloudy tomorrow but mostly sunny for the remainder of the week and through the weekend. Highs will be in the low 80s tomorrow and Thursday but turning cooler with highs in the low 70s by Saturday. Ruskin, FL: Partly to mostly sunny through this weekend and a little cooler. Highs will be in the low to mid 80s. Little chance of rain into next week.


• Rounds-The CA growing regions received rain last Friday and Saturday putting an end to harvesting in this region for the season. A few growers are cleaning up and running a few but not near enough to meet demand and most repackers are going to MX to meet their needs. Like the east, demand continues to be sluggish. As predicted last week, prices have rebounded this week as the CA crop has come to its end and repackers are having to repack out of 2- layer MX product. More supplies should be crossing in the next several weeks but we expect volume to be below average out of MX until January when the Culiacon crop begins.

• Romas-The CA crop is over for the season. Baja and new product crossings at Nogales continue. FOB prices for all sizes are generally steady this week. Quality continues to be variable.

• Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno. Quality is not as variable this week but we continue to see a wide range in FOB prices. FOB prices are down compared to last week.

• Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries has improved slightly causing FOB prices to fall compared to last week. There is a wide range in quality causing for a wide range in FOB prices.

Note: Weak demand and ample supplies with good quality is the story on most all dry-veg commodities for next week.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with the southern GA and FL crops in full production. Demand is weak. FOB prices continue to see downward pressures. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week.

Yellow Squash

East- Weak demand and good supplies are causing FOB prices to continue to fall. Supplies are fragmented all up and down the eastern seaboard. Quality is generally good.

West- Crossings have increased at Nogales causing FOB prices to be lower again this week. Quality is good.

Green Squash

East- FOB prices are steady to slightly lower this week. Quality continues to be good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes. Crossings at Baja and Nogales. Quality is good.


East- Harvesting continues in the south GA and FL fields and FOB prices are down from last week. Quality is improving.

West- Increased crossings again this week at Baja and Nogales. Prices are down again on all grades and sizes.


East- FOB prices are generally steady to slightly down this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are seeing downward pressure again this week. Nogales crossings have begun.


East- FOB prices are steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB price are generally steady this week. Quality is good.


East- A few more supplies and weak demand has caused the FOB prices for beans to fall around $10 from last week.

West- The growing region received a little rain recently. Supplies remain extremely tight and FOB prices are higher again this week. Supplies in the west will continue to be tight until around the middle of November at which time new MX fields should start harvesting.

Market Trends: Week of 31 Oct 2016



• Rounds- Barring a weather event, we feel that we have seen the high-water mark on tomatoes.  Weak demand and a slight increase in supplies has caused FOB prices to fall a few dollars this week on all sizes.  New fields in the Palmetto/Ruskin region of FL start up this week with extremely light volume.  Volume should slowly increase over the next several weeks which should put continued downward pressure on prices.  Quality out of the Quincy fields continue to be variable with suspect shelf-life and most eastern tomatoes continue to come from this region.  Fortunately, we should see improvement in the quality and shelf-life of the tomatoes that will be coming out of the new fields.  For another week or so, we advise that you continue to keep inventories tight.

• Romas- Additional supplies and continued weak demand has caused FOB prices to fall for a second week.  Prices are down several dollars on all sizes.  Quality is improving.

• Grapes- More available supplies have caused FOB prices to fall around $5 from last week.  Quality is improving.

• Cherries- Supplies continue to be light and FOB prices generally unchanged from last week.  However, we are seeing some downward pressures. Quality and shelf-life continue to be variable.

• Weather forecasts- Quincy, FL: Partly cloudy to sunny skies with little chance of rain into the early part of next week.  Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s. Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy skies with highs mostly in the upper 80s.  Lows will be in the mid to upper 60s.  Little chance of rain into next week.



• Rounds- We are toward the end of the CA mature-green crop and rain is expected in the growing region.  Growers are picking everything that they can to beat the rains.  FOB prices are down from last week but the forecast is not as clear in the west and it is in the east. It is possible that we might see a rebound to higher prices the week after next or additional supplies out of MX may continue to put downward pressure on prices. As we reported last week, we expect volume to be below average out of MX until January when the Culiacon crop begins.

• Romas- Supplies continue to be tight out of CA but Baja and new product crossings at Nogales continues to put downward pressure on FOB prices for all sizes. Quality continues to be variable with a wider than normal range in FOB prices due to the variableness in quality.

• Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno. Quality is extremely variable and a very wide range in FOB prices reflect this variableness.  All FOB prices are down compared to last week.

• Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries has improved slightly causing FOB prices to fall compared to last week. There is a wide range in quality causing for a wide range in FOB prices.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with the southern GA and FL crops in full production.  Demand is weak.  FOB prices continue to see downward pressures. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week.  Quality remains good even though the growing region did receive a little rain this week.


Yellow Squash

East- Weak demand and good supplies are causing FOB prices to fall from last week.  Supplies are fragmented all up and down the eastern seaboard. Quality is generally good.

West- Crossings have increased at Nogales causing FOB prices to be lower again this week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are lower this week. Quality continues to be good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues in the south GA and FL fields and FOB prices are generally steady from last week.  Quality is improving.

West- Increased crossings again this week at Baja and Nogales.  Prices are down again on all grades and sizes.



East- FOB prices are generally steady with slight upward pressure. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are seeing downward pressure again this week.  Nogales crossings should begin mid-November.



East- FOB prices are steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB price are up slightly this week.  Quality is good.



East- FOB prices are steady from last week’s high prices. New fields should come on-line in the next week or two which should bring some relief to these high prices.

West- Supplies remain tight and FOB prices are slightly higher from last week.  Supplies in the west will continue to be tight for the next 3 weeks