Market Trends: Week of January 2nd, 2017

Our best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year!!



• Rounds- Excess supplies out of Central and South FL fields coupled with weak demand are keeping FOB prices at or near the lowest levels of the year. Quality continues to be very good. FOB prices are generally steady this week on all sizes. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low through January; however, they may not remain at rock bottom levels as they are now.

Romas- The roma tomato market is weak but is the one tomato commodity that is not at rock bottom. FOB prices remain generally steady this week. We may begin to see some downward pressure out of FL on these prices in the next week or two as more Mexican romas become available. Quality continues to be very good.

Grapes- Supplies continue to be good and prices remain generally steady compared to last week. Quality is very good.

Cherries- Supplies and quality remain good. FOB prices are generally steady.

• Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy skies with cooler temperatures are expected through New Year’s Day. Highs mostly in the 70 but the high on Friday is expected to reach only 64. Little chance of rain is expected until next Tuesday. Immokalee, FL: Like Ruskin, partly cloudy skies most days and cooler with highs in the low 80s until Friday. The high Friday will be only 67. Little chance of rain until next Tuesday.


Rounds- As we have reported, cooler than normal weather has caused the Nogales crossings to be slightly behind a normal schedule. However, crossing are finally picking up. This coupled with weak demand is causing FOB prices to fall. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums. Fewer repackers are having to go to FL to meet their needs. We expect Nogales crossings to continue to increase but not hit normal levels until toward the end of next month. Quality has improved and is now generally good. Vine-ripes are also currently crossing at McAllen. Quality from there is also improving.

Romas- Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. We expect crossings to continue to increase at Nogales as they come to an end at Baja. Quality continues to be variable but is improving. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums.

Grapes- Crossings primarily from Baja and Nogales. Like the rounds and romas, the Nogales crossings continue to increase while the Baja crossing are finishing up for the season. Quality continues to be variable but is improving.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the quality of cherries continues to be variable but is improving. FOB prices are at or near the minimums.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week while demand remains weak. FOB prices are steady to down slightly on all sizes and grades. Quality is good.

West- Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are down on all sizes and grades. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies remain strong. FOB prices are lower again this week on both sizes. Quality continues to be variable primarily due to scarring but is improving.

West- Crossings continue to increase at Nogales. FOB prices are down on fancy grade and steady to down slightly on medium. Quality is good.

Green Squash

East- FOB prices are down this week on all grades and sizes. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are down this week on fancy grade and generally steady with downward pressure on mediums. Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is good.


East- Off-shore volume remains heavy. FOB prices for all grades and sizes are generally steady. Demand is weak. Quality of the off-shore product is variable and not as good as in prior weeks.

West- Nogales crossing continue to increase. Demand is weak. FOB prices are steady to down slightly. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains very good.


East- FOB prices remain low again this week on both grades. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower this week. Supplies are good. Quality is good.


East- FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are down slightly again this week from last week. Quality is good.

West- Supplies continue to be good. FOB prices are generally lower again this week.
