• Rounds- Good supplies continue but we are not seeing the excessive supplies that were seeing
over the holiday period. Most growers have cleaned up inventories. This is due to various
growers leaving 2nd pickings in the field and good demand yesterday as the pipeline gets
refilled. We do not expect the increase in demand to continue. Quality continues to be very
good. FOB prices remain at low levels but the 5x6 and 6x7 sizes are slightly higher compared
to last week. The 6x6s are steady. Lower temperatures are expected next week but a freeze is
not forecasted. Barring a weather event, we expect FOB prices to remain low through January.
• Romas - The roma tomato market is the one tomato commodity that has not been at rock
bottom during the past few weeks. However, the Ex-large and large sizes are lower this week
while the medium size is stable. We may see some continued downward pressure out of FL on
all sizes in the next week or two as more Mexican romas become available. Quality continues
to be very good.
• Grapes - Supplies continue to be good and prices remain generally steady to slightly lower
compared to last week. Quality is very good.
• Cherries - Supplies and quality remain good. FOB prices are steady to higher this week.
• Weather forecasts - Ruskin, FL: Perfect growing weather will be exiting this week as rain is
expected Friday and Saturday and turning much cooler over the weekend with a high on
Sunday of only 60 and a low of 40. Immokalee, FL: Pretty much the same forecast as for
Ruskin except it will not be quite as cool with highs on Sunday in the mid-60s with lows in the
• Rounds - Crossing continue to increase. Demand continues to be weak for both mature
greens and for 2-layer vine-ripes. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums.
Quality is good. Baring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain
relatively stable for the next 4-6 weeks.
• Romas - Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. We expect crossings to continue to
increase at Nogales as they come to an end at Baja. Quality continues to be variable but is
improving. FOB prices are generally at Suspension Agreement minimums for the smaller
sizes. Growers are able to charge a little more for the larger sizes
• Grapes - Crossings primarily from Baja and Nogales. Like the rounds and romas, the Nogales
crossings continue to increase while the Baja crossing are finishing up for the season. Quality
continues to be variable but is improving. Prices generally at Suspension Agreement
• Cherries - Like grape tomatoes, the quality of cherries continues to be variable but is
improving. Some repackers continue to go east to meet their needs. FOB prices are at or near
the minimums.
Green Bell Pepper
East- Product remains plentiful this week while demand remains weak on all sizes except for large. Demand has been strong for large pepper. Accordingly, FOB prices are steady to down slightly on all sizes and grades except for the large. Quality is good.
West - Supplies remain strong, demand is weak and FOB prices are down on mediums and choice while remaining generally steady to down on Ex-large and large. Quality is good.
Yellow Squash
East - We continue to see quality issues. The spread on FOB prices has widened from last week with the quality product demanding a higher FOB price.
West - Crossings continue at Nogales. FOB prices are steady to higher this week. Quality remains good.
Green Squash
East - FOB prices are up this week on good quality mediums and steady to up on fancy. Quality is more variable compared to last week.
West - FOB prices are steady to up this week on fancy grade and higher on mediums. Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is good.
East - Off-shore volume remains heavy. FOB prices are higher for supers and steady to higher on selects. Demand remains weak. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.
West - Nogales crossing continue to increase and demand is weak. FOB prices are steady to down again. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.
East - FOB prices remain low again this week on both grades. Quality is good.
West - FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.
East - FOB prices are generally lower this week with good supplies. Quality is good.
West- FOB prices are slightly higher this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.
East - FL lake supplies continue. FOB prices are steady this week. Quality is good.
West - Quality is more variable this week. FOB prices are generally higher this week for quality product.