Market Trends: Week of 21 Nov, 2016



Rounds- Supplies continue to slowly increase but demand has also picked-up as many western repackers are coming east to meet demand.  Therefore, supplies and demand remain in general equilibrium out of our FL this week causing FOB prices to remain largely unchanged with some downward pressure compared to last week.  We expect the Palmetto/Ruskin region not to reach full production until around Thanksgiving.  As we have previously reported, it appears that the overall yields from these fields will be below average.  Sizing continues to be on the small side of specs. Cooler weather is expected by this weekend with lows in the 40s which will slow growth.  Quality continues to be good. 

Romas- Supplies are generally stable on all three sizes. FOB prices are generally steady with upward pressure on the extra-large and are steady with downward pressure on the large and medium sizes.  Quality continues to be good.

Grapes- More available supplies have caused FOB prices to fall again from last week.  Quality is good.

Cherries- FOB prices remain steady with downward pressure from last week. Quality and shelf-life continue to improve.

Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL: Sunny and turning much cooler by this weekend with lows in the upper 40s Sunday and Monday nights.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.  Immokalee, FL:  Sunny and turning much cooler by this weekend with lows in the middle to upper 40s Sunday and Monday.  Little chance of rain through the period.



Rounds- As reported last week, the CA crop is over for the season.  Repackers are having to go to MX and to FL to meet their needs.   FOB prices are higher this week compared to last week.  Also, freight costs are higher to transport product from the east coast. More supplies should be crossing in the next several weeks but we expect volume to be below average out of MX until January when new fields should start producing. 

Romas-The CA crop is over for the season. Baja and new product crossings at Nogales continue.  FOB prices for the medium sized romas are generally steady again this week with slightly higher prices for the large and ex-large sizes. Quality continues to be variable but is improving. 

Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno. After falling for the past several weeks, FOB prices are higher this week compared to last week. Supplies are still tight and some western repackers are going east to meet demand.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries has tightened up slightly causing FOB prices to be higher compared to last week. There continues to be a wide range in quality causing for a wide range in FOB prices. Some western repackers are going east to meet demand.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with the southern GA and FL crops in full production.  Demand is weak.  FOB prices are seeing downward pressures again this week on all grades and sizes. We are seeing some bruising but, overall, quality is good.

West- More supplies continue to cross at Nogales and the desert is still harvesting.  FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- Demand continues to be weak but supplies are not quite as plentiful this week and quality is not quite as good.  FOB prices are slightly higher again this week.

West- Increased crossings at Nogales is causing downward pressure on FOB prices this week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are steady with upward pressures this week on fancy grade and up on the medium. Quality continues to be good.  Large zucchini is tight but currently there is enough to meet demand.  The cooler forecasted temperatures may put more pressure on supplies of the large size.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week on the fancy grade and generally steady on the medium.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues in the south GA and FL but the GA crop is coming to an end.  Supplies have been lighter and the markets active this week.  FOB prices are higher.  We expect this higher market to be short-lived as more supplies are expected to come on-line next week. Quality is generally good.

West- Baja crossings are winding down but Nogales crossing are picking up.  Prices have been active again this week adjusting to supplies and demand.  Quality through Nogales is very good.


East- FOB prices are generally lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are lower again this week.  Nogales crossings continue.



East- An increase in supplies are causing FOB prices to fall this week. Quality is good. 

West- FOB price are also down in the west this week.  Quality is good.



East- There is higher demand this week due to the holidays.  Currently, FOB prices are steady but the increased demand is putting upward pressure on prices.

West- As predicted, FOB prices are lower this week as more product has started to be harvested.  FOB prices are down as much as $10 compared to last week.