Market Trends: Week of 28 Nov, 2016



Rounds- Like last week, supplies continue to slowly increase but demand has also picked-up as many western repackers are coming east to meet demand.  Therefore, supplies and demand remain in general equilibrium out of our FL this week causing FOB prices to remain largely unchanged with some continued downward pressure.  Sizing is improving.  In fact, 6x7s and 6x6s might actually begin to get tight later this week.  The quality of fruit on the vines that will be harvested over the next several weeks looks excellent and yields should improve.

Romas- Supplies have increased somewhat causing FOB prices to fall slightly on all sizes. Quality continues to be good.

Grapes- Demand has increased slightly.  FOB prices are generally steady with some upward pressure.  Quality is good.

Cherries- Supplies and quality continue to improve.  FOB prices continue to fall.

Weather forecasts- Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy skies with daytime highs near 80 and lows in the upper 50s to low 60s.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.  Immokalee, FL:  Partly cloudy with highs in the low to mid 80s.  Lows mostly in the low 60s.  Little chance of rain through the weekend.



Rounds- Mature greens remain unavailable out of CA.  Repackers are having to use Mexican vine-ripes and go to FL to meet their needs.  Cool and wet weather in the Mexican growing regions has caused crossings to decline.  We expect volume out of MX to continue to be weak until late December or early January. However, mature greens out of new fields appear to be ahead of schedule and should be producing in a couple of weeks.  Prices for 5x6, 6x6 and 6x7s are generally steady out of FL but the 4x4 and 4x5s out of MX will are bringing higher FOBs due to decreased volume.  

Romas-Baja, Nogales and McAllen crossings continue.  FOB prices are generally steady for all three sizes.  Quality continues to improve but is still variable.

Grapes- Sourcing primarily from Baja and Fresno.  Supplies and demand remain light.  Many western repackers are going east to meet demand.

Cherries- Like grape tomatoes, the supply of cherries remain tight and there continues to be a wide range in quality.  Many western repackers continue to go east to meet demand.    


Green Bell Pepper

East- Product remains plentiful this week with various fields in full production.  Demand is weak.  FOB prices remain steady at last week’s low prices on all grades and sizes. Overall, quality is good.

West- More supplies continue to cross at Nogales and the desert is still harvesting.  FOB prices are lower again this week on all grades and sizes. Quality is good.


Yellow Squash

East- Yields continue to decline.  FOB prices are slightly higher again this week.  Quality is variable.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices are higher this week.  Quality is good.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are steady on both sizes.  Quality continues to be good.  Large zucchini market remains steady.

West- FOB prices are higher this week on all grades and sizes.  Crossings at Baja and Nogales.  Quality is good.



East- Harvesting continues in FL.  FOB prices are up on supers and generally steady on selects. Quality is generally good.

West- Baja crossings are winding down but Nogales crossing are picking up.  FOB prices are generally lower this week.  Quality through Nogales is very good.



East- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are steady this week.  Nogales crossings continue.



East- FOB prices are steady this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB price are steady to down slightly in the west this week.  Quality is good.



East- Supplies are now good.  Demand remains relatively strong.  FOB prices are down slightly again this week.

West- Demand is stronger but supplies continue to increase causing FOB prices to fall again this week.  Quality is variable.