• Rounds- Demand remains weak. Supplies are slightly weaker compared to past weeks. Quality remain very good. Mexico continues to dictate market prices and those prices remain at Suspension Agreement Minimums. FOB prices in the east are a couple of dollars higher on ex-large this week and steady to slightly higher on large and medium sizes. Barring a weather event, we expect prices to remain low and trade in a narrow range into March.
• Romas- FOB prices for romas are steady this week on extra-large and large sizes and slightly lower on mediums. Mexico is dictating roma market prices also. We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range into next month. Quality continues to be very good.
• Grapes- FOB prices remain low but are slightly higher than last week. Quality is very good.
• Cherries- Prices are slightly higher compared to last week. Mexico product has some quality issues which has caused repackers to pull product from FL. Quality remains very good.
• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Mostly cloudy and windy tomorrow with a chance of showers. High will be in the low 80s. Turning partly cloudy and cooler Thursday with highs in the mid-70s. Partly cloudy skies with highs in the low 80s for the rest of the week. A good chance of showers on Sunday.
• Rounds- Demand is abnormally weak. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales. Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is good. Barring a weather event, we expect the round tomato market to remain relatively stable for at least the next 2-3 weeks.
• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Quality is good. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes. Prices should remain steady for the foreseeable future.
• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Prices generally at Suspension Agreement minimums but have firmed up.
• Cherries- Quality is variable. Prices are generally steady to lower compared to last week.
Green Bell Pepper
East- Limited supplies is causing FOB prices to be considerably higher for all sizes and grades compared to last week. The strong winds from several weeks ago caused bloom drop which has caused yields to be reduced at this time. This short supply is also due, in part, to growers letting their fields go when FOB prices were below the cost of harvesting. We expect pepper prices to remain active for the next few weeks. Quality is generally good.
West- Crossings are down compared to the past several weeks causing FOB prices to be much stronger. Quality is good.
Yellow Squash
East- FOB prices are moderately lower again this week. Quality remains variable.
West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Supplies remain strong. Quality is generally good.
Green Squash
Supplies are starting to get tight and we expect them to continue to get tighter into the weekend and early part of next week. In Mexico, the northern growing regions (Guaymas and Los Mochis) are winding down and expecting rain this weekend. The next growing region (Hermosillo) will not begin until the 1st week of March. Expect FOB prices for all size and grades to be higher the following week.
East- FOB prices are lower this week on both grades. Quality is variable.
West- We are seeing a wide range in quality. The better quality is bringing higher FOB prices. Crossings primarily at Nogales.
East- Off-shore volume continues with relatively light volume. FOB prices are generally steady compared to last. Quality of the off-shore product remains variable.
West- Nogales crossing continue. FOB prices are steady to slightly lower. We expect FOB prices to begin to fall in the near future. Currently, the quality through Nogales remains good.
East- FOB prices for both grades are generally steady. Quality is good.
West- FOB prices are lower again this week. Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.
East- FOB prices are generally higher this week. Quality is good.
West- FOB prices are steady to slightly stronger this week. Supplies remain good. Quality is good.
East- FOB prices are steady but showing signs of weakening.
West- FOB prices are seeing upward pressures.