Market Trends: Week of 30 May, 2016



Rounds- FOB prices remain depressed and have moved only within a narrow range over the past two weeks.  Prices are off of the floor from a couple of weeks ago but remain at low levels.  There is slight upward pressure on the smaller sizes. The Quincy growing region (northern FL) is expected to begin producing in a light way this Friday with more volume coming on next week.  Our SC fields should then begin right behind the Quincy fields with little or no gap so prices should remain depressed and stay within a narrow range unless an unseen weather event disrupts the supply chain.   Quality is excellent.

Romas- Strong supplies continue.  FOB prices are steady from last week at or near rock bottom. We are seeing slight downward pressure on the medium sized prices. Quality is excellent.

Grapes- FOB prices have bumped up somewhat (about $2 per 12/1pt flat) from last week but remain at bargain levels.  Quality is excellent.

Cherries- FOB prices are higher this week.  Quality is very good to excellent.

Weather forecast- Ruskin: Mostly sunny with highs near 90 and lows in the mid to upper 60s.


Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja, McAllen and Nogales. Quality continues to be better out of Baja than Nogales.  Mature greens continue to be harvested. The CA growing regions have seen an unusual weather pattern for the past several weeks.  Unusual weekly storms are passing through the region bringing hail and high winds.  The last one to pass through was on Sunday.  Temperatures have been much cooler than normal.  We have seen some days with highs only in the 60s.  Quality is very good but we will keep an eye out to see if the current weather causes any quality or shelf-life issues.  FOB prices remain low.  We do not anticipate any gap in supplies while transitioning between growing regions.

Romas- Good supplies from several growing regions continue to keep FOB prices at or near Suspension Agreement minimums.  Quality is very good.

Grapes- Good supplies out of Nogales and Baja are keeping the FOB prices of grapes at low levels. The quantity and quality of the fruit crossing at Nogales is not as good as that crossing from Baja.  The better quality fruit is bringing higher FOB prices.

Cherries- Supplies in the west remain relatively tight.  Some suppliers continue to go east to meet demand.  Quality is generally less than good.


Green Bell Pepper

East- FL is beginning to wind down and now southern GA is the major growing region.  The new crop in GA is bringing higher FOB prices than the older FL crop.  Quality is very good out of GA.

West- Supplies continue out of Nogales and the desert.  The quality out of the desert is better and bringing higher FOB prices than the product out of Nogales.  We expect to start harvesting the Bakersfield fields in the next two weeks.  We may see FOB prices rise until those fields start producing.  Quality is variable.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels but we are seeing some upward pressure.  Quality remains variable but generally good.

West- FOB prices remain at low levels but with upward pressure. Quality is variable.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels this week with continued downward pressure.  Quality is generally very good.

West- FOB prices generally steady this week but we do see some downward pressure.  Quality remains variable.

Green Beans - Market moved up a couple dollars this week, however quality and supply is good.

Cucumbers- East- FOB prices are lower this week. Quality remains generally good. Mainly sourcing out of south GA.

West- Product continues to cross at Nogales and Baja at good levels.  FOB prices remain at low levels with continued downward pressure.



East- FOB prices are seeing downward pressure.  Quality of eggplant is very good to excellent.

West- Higher FOB prices are being seen as we enter into a small gap situation.  Nogales and the desert are winding down.  The Fresno region is forecasted to begin around 6/5.



East- FOB prices are generally steady to lower this week.  Quality is very good.

West- FOB prices are generally steady to lower this week.  Quality is very good.

Market Trends: Week of 23 May, 2016



The central Florida fields continue will excellent yields and quality.     FOB prices are generally steady and the market continues to be inverted.  However, for the first time in several weeks, we are seeing some upward pressures on those prices.  Nonetheless, prices remain at or near floor levels. The Quincy growing region (northern FL) is expected to begin producing on the 26th and 27th of this month with little or no gap in supplies during the transition.  Our SC fields should then begin right behind the Quincy fields so little or no gap is expected during that transition either. Quality is excellent.

Romas- Strong supplies continue.  FOB prices are steady from last week at or near rock bottom.  Quality is excellent.

Grapes- FOB prices remain at very low levels but are up slightly from last week.  Quality is excellent.

Cherries- Supplies continue to be good and FOB prices remain at floor levels.  Quality is very good to excellent.

Weather forecast- Ruskin:  A real good chance of storms every day this week with highs in the mid to upper 80s and lows near 70.  Skies will be mostly cloudy all week.


Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja, McAllen and Nogales. Quality is better out of Baja than Nogales.  Mature greens continue to be harvested.  Quality is very good to excellent.  FOB prices remain low.  We do not anticipate any gap in supplies while transitioning between growing regions.

Romas- Good supplies from several growing regions continues to keep FOB prices at or near Suspension Agreement minimums.  Quality is very good.

Grapes- Good supplies out of Nogales and Baja are keeping the FOB prices of grapes at low levels. The quantity and quality of the fruit crossing at Nogales is not as good as that crossing from Baja.  The better quality fruit is bringing higher FOB prices.

Cherries- The supply of cherries in the west is the one tomato commodity that is tight due to only a few growers growing them.  Some suppliers are going east to meet demand.  Quality is generally less than good.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Good supplies from Florida continue, especially for the largest sizes.  FOB prices are generally steady.  Quality is very good.

West- Downward pressures on FOB prices.  Quality is variable.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels and we are seeing additional downward pressures.  Quality remains variable but good quality can be found.

West- FOB prices are steady to down slightly this week. Quality is variable.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels this week but are more variable this week and the price corresponds to the quality of the product.  Quality remains variable but good quality can be found.

West- FOB prices generally steady this week.  Quality remains variable.

Green Beans  Georgia is in full swing! Availability and quality is good.

Cucumbers- East- FOB prices are generally steady this week. Quality remains generally good.

West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels.  There is downward pressure on FOB prices. Baja also continues to harvest.



East- FOB prices are generally steady.  Quality of eggplant is very good to excellent.



East- FOB prices are generally steady this week.  Quality is very good.   

Market Trends: Week of 16 May, 2016



• Rounds- A bumper crop as far as yield and quality continues out of our central Florida fields.    FOB prices are down again this week and the market continues to be inverted. The Quincy growing region (northern FL) is expected to begin producing on the 26th and 27th of this month with little or no gap in supplies during the transition.  Our SC fields should then begin right behind the Quincy fields so little or no gap is expected during that transition either.  Practically the only thing that could throw this schedule off is an unseen and unlikely weather event.  A few rain showers during the past week as caused us to miss getting into the fields for a couple of days which has caused an influx of vine-ripes.  Quality is excellent.

• Romas- Strong supplies continue.  FOB prices are steady from last week at or near rock bottom.  Quality is excellent.

• Grapes- Excellent supplies continue and FOB prices remain steady at or near floor prices. Quality is excellent.

• Cherries- Supplies continue to increase and FOB prices remain at floor levels.  Quality is very good to excellent.

• Weather forecast- Ruskin:  Partly sunny to sunny skies with high in the upper 80s and lows in the mid to upper 60s each day through Sunday.  The chance of rain is slim but we are in the season when afternoon violent storms could always develop.



• Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja, McAllen andNogales. Quality is better out of Baja than Nogales.  Mature greens continue to be harvested.  Quality is very good to excellent.  FOB prices remain low.  We do not anticipate any gap in supplies while transitioning between growing regions.  However, a pattern of untypical rainstorms are hitting the fields every 4 or 5 days.  If this pattern continues we may begin to see some quality issues pop up and a decline in volume.

• Romas- Good supplies from several growing regionscontinues to keep FOB prices at or near Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is very good.

• Grapes- Good supplies out of Nogales and Baja are keeping the FOB prices of grapes at low levels. The quantity and quality of the fruit crossing at Nogales is not as good as that crossing from Baja. The better quality fruit is bringing higher FOB prices.

• Cherries- The supply of cherries in the west is the one tomato commodity that is tight due to only a few growers growing them.  Some suppliers are going east to meet demand.  Quality is generally less than good.







Green Bell Pepper

East- Good supplies from Florida continue, especially for the largest sizes.  FOB prices are steady with upward pressure.  Quality is very good.

West- We are seeing a decline in quality as some fields are coming to an end.  We expect the northern desert to start up around June 1. FOB prices are generally up from last week on all sizes and grades.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels but are up off the floor from last week.  Quality remains variable but good quality can be found.

West- FOB prices are steady to up slightly this week. Quality has declined during the week and is now only fair.  Crossings continue at Nogales.


Green Squash

East- Like the yellow, FOB prices remain at low levels this week but there is upward pressure for quality product. Quality remains variable but good quality can be found.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices are higher but remain at low levels. Quality remains generally good but becoming more variable.


Green Beans - Supplies coming out of Florida and Georgia will be plentiful. Quality is good.


Cucumbers- East- FOB prices up slightly again this week. Quality remains generally good.

West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels.  There is upward pressure on FOB prices but they remain at low levels.Baja also continues to harvest.



East- More supplies are coming online which is causing FOB prices to drop again this week. Quality of eggplant is very good to excellent.



East- FOB prices are generally lower this week.  Quality is verygood.  

Market Trends: Week of 09 May, 2016




·      Rounds- A bumper crop as far as yield and quality continues out of central Florida fields.     Shippers expect to see some of the lowest FOB prices of the year this week and next week.  In fact, we see strong supplies for at the next 20 or more days. There is more large fruit available than smaller fruit and as we predicted last week, we are seeing an inverted market this week where the 5x6 size is bringing less than the smaller sizes. Quality is excellent.

·      Romas- Like the rounds, yields and quality from our roma fields continue to improve and sizing is on the large side.  FOB prices are down again this week for ex-large and large sizes but steady or even up slightly on the medium size as supplies on this size is tighter. Quality is excellent.

·      Grapes- Excellent supplies continue to put downward pressures on FOB prices.  Like rounds, FOB prices are probably at the lowest they will be all year. Quality is very good to excellent.

·      Cherries- Supplies continue to increase and FOB prices have fallen again to near floor levels.  Quality is very good.


·      Weather forecast- Ruskin:  The weather has not been as good today nor is it forecasted to be as good as it has been over the past several weeks. Cloudy with rain today and on Wednesday and cloudy and windy on Thursday.  Highs will only be in the 70s with lows near 60.  By this weekend, the sun will return with highs in the 80s and lows in the mid-60s.



·      Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at McAllen and Nogales and volume continues to increase in Baja.  Quality is better out of Baja than Nogales.  Mature greens began to be harvested in the desert this past Saturday and volume will increase out of those fields in the weeks to come.  The growing region has experienced rain this week and the forecast calls for more rain on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  FOB prices remain low. 

·      Romas- Good supplies from several growing regions continues to keep FOB prices at or near Suspension Agreement minimums.  Quality is very good.

·      Grapes- Good supplies out of Nogales and Baja are keeping the FOB prices of grapes at low levels. The quantity and quality of the fruit crossing at Nogales is not as good as that crossing from Baja.

·      Cherries- The supply of cherries in the west is the one tomato commodity that has tightened up this week causing FOB prices to rise off the minimums.  Quality is generally less than good.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Good supplies from Florida and Mexico continue. FOB prices are steady to down on all sizes and grades.  Quality is very good.

West- Demand is soft.  Supplies are plentiful from Nogales and from the desert and FOB prices are down again this week.  The desert product continues to bring higher FOB prices due to its better quality.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels but there is upward pressure on FOB prices for quality product.  Supplies are plentiful and product is being harvested from Homestead, FL to south GA.  Quality is variable but good quality can be found.

West- FOB prices are steady to down slightly this week. Quality is generally good.  Crossings continue at Nogales.


Green Squash

East- Like the yellow, FOB prices remain at low levels this week but there is upward pressure for quality product.  Quantity is variable but good quality can be found.  GA fields have begun to produce.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices remain at or close to floor levels. Quality remains good.  Demand is generally weak.


Green Beans -  Florida bean fields received rain making fields wet which curtailed harvesting. Georgia is up and running beans still at the bottom of the market. Great item to promote!!

Cucumbers- East- Supplies are not as plentiful this week causing FOB prices to rise substantially over last week’s prices for both selects and supers. Quality remains generally good.

West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels.  FOB prices remain at near floor levels. Baja has begun to harvest.  We expect FOB prices to remain low through April.  The east has begun to come west to meet demand.



East- More supplies are coming online which is causing FOB prices to drop again this week.  Quality of eggplant remains good.



East- FOB prices are generally higher this week.  Quality is good.   



Market Trends: Week of 02 May, 2016

Dry Vegetable Market Report For Week of May 2, 2016



• Rounds- Nearly perfect tomato growing weather since Valentine’s Day has created a bumper central Florida crop in terms of both quality and quantity. Demand is still relatively weak but is showing signs of improving. Supply will easily be able to keep pace. In fact, we see strong supplies for at least the next 20 or more days. FOB prices have fallen to near floor levels and are the same for all sizes. Some western re-packers continue pulling from Florida. In the next week or two, we may see the large sized tomatoes be more plentiful than the smaller sized fruit which would lead to an inverted market where the smaller fruit becomes more expensive than the larger fruit. Quality is excellent.

• Romas- Like the rounds, yields from our roma fields have improved. FOB prices are down again this week for all sizes. Quality is excellent.

• Grapes- Excellent supplies continue to put downward pressures on FOB prices. Quality is very good to excellent.

• Cherries- Supplies continue to increase and FOB prices have fallen again to near floor levels. Quality is very good.

• Weather forecast- Ruskin: Continued good tomato growing weather is forecasted. Partly cloudy to sunny skies most days for the next week with highs in the upper-80s to low 90s and lows in the upper-60s to 70. There is a good chance of afternoon thunderstorms on Wednesday.


• Rounds- Not as much has changed in the west as it has in the east. Vine-ripes continue to cross at McAllen and Nogales and continue to start up in Baja. Sizing continues to be smaller and little large fruit is available. Therefore, FOB prices for the larger sizes remain at a premium compared to the smaller sizes which remain at or near Suspension Agreement minimums. We will see changes in the up coming weeks as mature greens will begin to be harvested for the first time in over a month.

• Romas- Good supplies from several growing regions coupled with light demand continues to keep FOB prices are at or near Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is very good.

• Grapes- Good supplies out of Nogales and Baja are keeping the FOB prices of grapes at low levels. The quantity and quality of the fruit crossing at Nogales is not as good as that crossing from Baja.

• Cherries- FOB prices at Nogales are at or near Suspension Agreement minimums but the quality is only fair. Cherries crossing at Baja are bringing higher FOB prices but has much better quantity.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Increase supplies from Florida and Mexico continue to cause FOB prices to fall on all sizes and grades. Quality is very good.

West- Demand is soft. Supplies are plentiful from Nogales and from the desert and FOB prices are down again this week. The desert product continues to bring higher FOB prices due to its better quality.

Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels. Supplies are plentiful and product is being harvested from Homestead, FL to south GA. Quality is variable but good quality can be found.

West- FOB prices are seeing downward pressure. Quality is generally good. Crossings continue at Nogales.

Green Squash

East- Like the yellow, FOB prices remain at low levels this week. Quantity is good.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales. FOB prices remain at or close to floor levels. Quality remains good. Demand is generally weak.

Green Beans - Florida supplies and quality still continue to be the best area to load. Coachella supplies continue to improve and soon will be in full swing. Mexico is coming to a close.

Cucumbers- East- Our Florida growers continue in full production and supplies are strong. FOB prices for supers continue to see downward pressure. Selects are generally steady with only slight downward pressure. Quality is good.

West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels. FOB prices remain at near floor levels. Baja has begun to harvest. We expect FOB prices to remain low through April.


East- A few more supplies are coming online which is causing FOB prices to drop Quality of eggplant remains good.

West- Supplies have increased and FOB prices have responded downward. Quality is variable.


East- FOB prices are generally steady. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are down again this week as supplies remain strong.

Market Trends: Week of 25 April 2016





·      Rounds- Supplies continue to increase from the Ruskin/Palmetto growing region and will continue to do so for the next seven to ten days. For the first time in weeks, we are also seeing an increase in demand. Sizing continues to increase and the lack of the smaller sizes has put upward pressure on those FOB prices.  FOB prices for 5x6s and 6x6s remain steady from last week.  Quality is very good.


·      Romas- Like the rounds, yields from our roma fields have improved and sizing is larger.  FOB prices are down slightly again this week for all sizes. Quality is very good.  As last week, there is now enough supplies in the east to the point that repackers are not as depended on western romas to meet demand.


·      Grapes- Excellent supplies continue to put downward pressures on FOB prices.  Quality is good.


·      Cherries- Better supplies have caused FOB prices to fall from last week’s levels.  Quality is improving.


·      Weather forecast- Ruskin:  Good tomato growing weather is forecasted. Partly cloudy to sunny skies most days for the next week with highs in the mid-80s and lows in the mid-60s.  A good chance of storms on Friday and Saturday morning.





·      Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at McAllen and Nogales.  Sizing continues to be smaller and little large fruit is available.  Therefore, FOB prices for the larger sizes remain at a premium compared to the smaller sizes which remain at or near Suspension Agreement minimums.  Few mature greens of any size remain available and no larger sizes are available.  This sizing issue will probably continue for the next three weeks or so at which time the Baja growing regions will begin to produce with appreciable volume.


·      Romas- Increased supplies from several growing regions coupled with light demand continues to keep FOB prices are at or near Suspension Agreement minimums.  Quality is good.


·      Grapes- Supplies continue to increase and demand remains weak.  This situation has caused FOB prices continue to drop this week and are currently at or near minimums.  Quality continues to improve.


·      Cherries- Supply of quality cherries are tighter this week and the FOB prices of quality cherry tomatoes has increased.  Many repackers are having to go east to meet the demand for quality cherries.




Green Bell Pepper


East- Increase supplies from Florida and Mexico continue to cause FOB prices to fall on all sizes and grades.  Quality has been good.


West- Demand is soft.  Supplies are plentiful from Nogales and from the desert and FOB prices are down again this week.  The desert product continues to bring higher FOB prices due to its better quality.




Yellow Squash


East- FOB prices remain at low levels and we are seeing continued downward pressure.  Supplies are plentiful and product is being harvested from Homestead, FL to south GA.  Quality is variable due to disease pressures as a result of all the rain in past weeks.


West- FOB prices are generally steady at last week’s low levels with continued downward pressures being exerted.  Quality is generally good.  Crossings continue at Nogales.




Green Squash


East- Like the yellow, FOB prices remain at low levels this week with continued downward pressure.  Quantity is good.


West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices remain at or close to floor levels. Quality remains generally good.  Demand is generally weak.


 Green Beans - Florida beans are priced to sell!! Quality is excellent.


Cucumbers- East- Our Florida growers are in full production and supplies are strong.  FOB prices continue to see downward pressure. Quality is generally good.


West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels.  FOB prices remain at near floor levels. Baja has begun to harvest.  We expect FOB prices to remain low through April.






East- Supplies continue to be generally tight but a slight increase has put downward pressure on FOB prices.  Quality of eggplant remains generally good.


West- Supplies have increased slightly and FOB prices are generally steady with downward pressure.






East- More supplies are putting downward pressure on FOB prices.


West- FOB prices are down slightly again this week as supplies remain strong.   

Market Trends: Week of 18 April 2016



·      Rounds- Supplies continue to increase and demand continues to be light.  This combination has caused FOB price to fall again this week.  The yield out of the Palmetto/Ruskin growing region continues to increase and will continue to do so for the next ten or so days.  Recent weather has been warm and sunny. The fruit on the vine is getting larger and we predict the prices for each size will converge in the next week or two.  Quality is generally good and continues to improve.


·      Romas- Like the rounds, yields from our roma fields have improved and sizing is larger.  FOB prices are down and quality is good and improving.  Enough supply is now available in the east to the point that repackers are not as depended on western romas to meet demand.


·      Grapes- Weak demand and an increase in supplies both in the east and west has put substantial downward pressure on FL FOB prices again this week.  Quality is generally good.


·      Cherries- Supplies remain tight and demand has increased which has caused FOB prices to be stronger this week.  Quality remains variable but is improving.


·      Weather forecast- Ruskin:  Partly cloudy skies most days for the next week with highs in the mid-80s and lows in the mid-60s.  A chance of storms on Thursday and Saturday.





·      Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at McAllen and Nogales.  Sizing is much smaller and little large fruit is available.  Therefore, FOB prices have increased for the larger sizes and remain at or near minimums for the smaller sizes. Few mature greens of any size remain available and no larger sizes are available.  This sizing issue will probably continue for the next four or so weeks.  The next growing region to start will be Baja. 


·      Romas- Increased supplies from several growing regions coupled with light demand continues to keep FOB prices are at or near Suspension Agreement minimums.  Quality is improving.


·      Grapes- Supplies continue to increase and demand remains weak.  This situation has caused FOB prices continue to drop dramatically.  Quality continues to improve.


·      Cherries- Supply and demand continue in equilibrium and FOB prices are steady from last week. Quality remains variable but improving.




Green Bell Pepper


East- Increase supplies from Florida and especially from MX is causing FL FOB prices to fall this week.  We expect supplies from FL to continue to increase.  Quality has been generally good.


West- Demand is soft.  Supplies are plentiful from Nogales and from the desert.  The desert product is bringing higher FOB prices due to its better quality.



Yellow Squash


East- FOB prices remain at low levels.  We are seeing disease pressures in the Plant City fields due to all of the rain those fields experienced in the earlier part of the growing season.  


West- FOB prices are down slightly again this week.  Quality is variable but good quality can be found.  Crossings continue at Nogales.




Green Squash


East- FOB prices remain at low levels this week.  Quantity generally good.


West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices remain at or close to floor levels. Quality remains generally good.


 Green Beans- Demand is moderate, supplies are good. Quality is excellent.




 East- Most Florida growers are in full production and supplies are strong.  FOB prices remain low.  Quality is generally good.


West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels.  FOB prices are down on all sizes and grades. Baja has begun to harvest.  We expect FOB prices to remain low through April.






East- Supplies continue to be generally tight but a slight increase has put downward pressure on FOB prices.  Quality of eggplant remains generally good.


West- Supplies have increased slightly and FOB prices are lower.





East- More supplies are putting downward pressure on FOB prices.


West- FOB prices are down again this week as the northern production continues to increase.   

Market Trends: Week of 11 April 2016





·      Rounds- We are finally seeing some relief from the relatively high FOB tomato prices that we have been experiencing for most of this year.  Weak demand and stronger supplies, especially from the west, have caused FOB prices in FL to drop $4-$6 on all sizes.  We expect to see continued lower prices in the next few weeks as additional supplies from our new fields in central Florida start producing with some appreciable volume. This expectation of lower FOB prices over the next week or two assumes that demand remains weak.  Quality is generally good.


·      Romas- Supplies in the east have increased slightly but continue to be tight and most repackers are sourcing MX tomatoes to meet demand.  Even though supplies are tight, FOB prices are down due to light demand and a substantial increase in supplies from MX.  Quality is good in the east.  Quality continues to be variable out of MX but is improving.


·      Grapes- Weak demand and an increase in supplies both in the east and west has put substantial downward pressure on FL FOB prices.  Quality remains variable but is improving quickly.


·      Cherries- FOB prices remain generally weak and have fallen again this week.  Demand is weak.  Quality is variable but improving.


·      Weather forecast- Immokalee- Most days for the next week will see partly cloudy skies with only a slight chance of storms Wednesday and Thursday.  Highs will be in the 80s with lows in the upper 50s.





·      Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at McAllen and Nogales. Weak demand and stronger supplies have caused FOB prices to fall.  We continue to see variableness in quality and shelf-life but overall quality is improving.


·      Romas- FOB prices are generally down for the same reason they are down for rounds- decreased demand and an increase in supply.  New fields in the east and in Baja will cause supplies to increase over the next several weeks.  FOB prices are at or near Suspension Agreement minimums.  We continue to see some quality issues in some lots due to puffiness and softness but overall quality has improved.


·      Grapes- As forecasted last week, grape supplies have improved.  Demand remains weak.  This situation has caused FOB prices to drop dramatically from last week.  Quality is improving.


·      Cherries- Demand is light. Supplies have improved. FOB prices are down from last week.  Quality is variable but improving.






Green Bell Pepper


East- The green bell market is the one dry vegetable commodity that remains high and active due to a continued shortage of supplies. FOB prices remain strong on all sizes and grades.  We do expect new fields to provide more supply sometime next week.  Therefore, we should see these FOB prices begin to fall.  Quality has been generally good.


West- Demand is soft.  Supplies generally remain tight.  However, the desert fields are seeing an increase in yields and we expect them to continue to improve.  Quality remains suspect but is improving.




Yellow Squash


East- Hot weather has sped-up the growth of squash in the new fields in central FL and we are seeing FOB prices continue to fall after being high all winter.  Quality is improving but scarring is still being seen due to past high winds.


West- FOB prices are down slightly again this week.  Quality is variable but good quality can be found.  Crossings continue at Nogales.  We expect volume to continue to increase over the next several weeks.




Green Squash


East- FOB prices are down again this week.  Quantity and quality continue to improve.


West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices remain at or close to floor levels. Quality remains generally good. We expect prices to remain low until the middle of April when they may begin to rise due to a small gap in supply.


 Green Beans  FOB prices continue to drop making green beans a popular produce item to promote. Quality is good.


Cucumbers- East- Our Florida growers are in full production and supplies are strong.  FOB prices are low with even more downward pressure.  Quality is generally good.


West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels.  FOB prices are down on all sizes and grades. Baja has begun to harvest with light volume.  We expect FOB prices to remain low through April.






East- Supplies continue to be tight and FOB prices are generally steady.  Quality of eggplant remains generally good.


West- Supplies will remain generally tight until the desert begins to harvest around mid-April.  FOB prices are generally steady.






East- Supplies are tight and FOB prices remain strong this week.


West- FOB prices are down again this week as the northern production continues to increase.   

Market Trends: Week of 14 March 2016



·      Rounds

The El Nino weather pattern appears to have finally broken for the spring.  The southern Florida fields have seen little rain for the past two weeks and the chance for rain in the next week is slim.  However, the effects of all the rain, wind and clouds over the winter will continue to affect yields for several weeks to come.  The size of eastern tomatoes continues to get smaller.  This is causing the price of the smaller tomatoes to continue to fall.  The supply of Ex-Large tomatoes is tighter which is putting upward pressure on their FOB cost.  Quality continues to be generally good.  A few growers in the Ruskin area are just beginning to harvest.  However, there will not be any appreciable volume out of this region until mid-April.  And as we have already reported, we expect lighter than normal yields out these fields due to the adverse weather that this crop has already endured.


·      Romas

Supplies in the east continue to be extremely tight and most repackers are sourcing MX tomatoes to meet demand.  MX crossings are down slightly this week (as explained below) which is putting upward pressure on FOB prices.  Quality is good in the east but variable from MX.


·      Grapes

Supply levels generally steady.  FOB prices are slightly higher this week compared to last week.  Quality is generally good. 

·      Cherries

The supply of cherries continue to increase slowly.  FOB prices are down again this week.  Quality is variable.


·      Weather forecast- Immokalee- Partly cloudy with only a slight chance of rain through the weekend.  Highs will be in the mid to upper 80s with lows in the 60s.


·      Rounds

Vine-ripes continue to cross at McAllen and Nogales.  A limited supply of mature greens continues to be available this week.  FOB prices are slightly higher. Fewer smaller versus larger sizes are available causing an inverted market again this week.  We are seeing variableness in quality and shelf-life is suspect caused primarily by the excessive heat the growing region experienced a couple of weeks ago.


·      Romas

As predicted last week, FOB prices are higher this week.  This is due to the heat the fields went through a couple of weeks ago that caused a higher than normal rate of ripening and a flush of supplies occurred.  This is causing a small gap in supplies as we wait for the fruit remaining on the vines to mature.  The region has also see 2 days of rain which is not helping harvesting.  We predict that FOB prices will return to Suspension Agreement minimums by the third week of March.  We are seeing quality issues in some lots due to puffiness and softness which is the result of the heat.


·      Grapes

Grapes are crossing primarily at Nogales.  FOB prices are higher compared to last week.  Quality continues to be variable and generally only fair.


·      Cherries

Cherry supplies are tight. FOB prices are steady to higher this week.  Quality is variable and generally only fair.  Color has been light.



Green Bell Pepper

East- Supplies continue to be weak but demand is even weaker.  FOB prices have fallen on all grades and sizes.  Quality has been generally good.

West- Demand is anemic causing downward pressure on FOB prices. As long as demand remains this weak, there will not be much pressure for prices to rise.  However, the market will get stronger quickly if there is any uptick in demand.  Quality is variable.


Yellow Squash

East- After one week of FOB prices falling, prices are higher again this week on both grades.  Quality and shelf life remain variable and generally fair at best.

West- FOB prices are stronger this week.  Quality is variable due to the heat the crops have gone through last month.  Crossings continue at Nogales.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are higher on all grades and sizes.  Quality and shelf-life is variable.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices are higher. Quality remains generally good.


Green Beans

NO Change in Green Beans demand still far exceeds supply.




East- The off-shore Honduras product continues to unload but we are in the last week or two of that crop. The quality of the off-shore product continues to fall and shelf-life is also suspect.  We expect that the cucumber market in March will be strong as the off-shore crop comes to its end and the central Florida domestic crop is late with expected lighter yields as the result of wet, cloudy and cool weather.  The Florida crop should begin to be harvested within a week to ten days.


West- Product continues to cross at Nogales.  FOB prices are higher compared to last week as demand is stronger due to the east coming to MX to meet demand.  We expect the Baja crop to begin harvesting by the end of March.



East- FOB prices are generally steady.  Quality of eggplant remains generally good.


East- More supplies are putting downward pressures on FOB prices.  Quality is improving.  

Market Trends : Week of January 18, 2016

Note:  We are in the fifth week of severe supply shortages on several dry vegetable commodities.  Hardest hit again this week are tomatoes, yellow squash and zucchini.  Bell pepper is also critically short this week.  Recent weather in the east and west continues not to cooperate and has not helped us to recover.  The weather in the east continues to be much cooler, cloudier and wetter than normal.  It was raining again Tuesday with temperatures in the 50s. Mexico continues to see much cooler than normal temperatures.  Many are attributing these weather patterns to El Nino which has been well documented in the mass media. The past and current weather conditions this winter growing season are causing supply shortages which continue exert pressure on FOB prices and causing orders to be pro-rated.  If the weather continues the current pattern, abnormal markets of some commodities may last into February.  Acts of God Clauses and Trigger Price Points of contracts continue to be in place.  As is almost always the case during supply shortages caused by weather events, quality and the shelf-life of product will suffer.  We strongly recommend that inventories be kept as close as possible.




·      Rounds- The weather continues to take its toll on tomato yields out of eastern fields. Supplies are critically short and sizing is even on the smaller side this week as growers are in second and third pickings of old fields as we continue to await fruit in the newer fields to mature. The small sizing has caused the FOB prices of the 6x6 and larger to increase while the price of 6x7s has fallen again this week.  This is causing a much wider than normal spread in the price of the various sizes.  If sizing is not critical to a customer, it may be wise to direct them to the smallest size that they can utilize.  Quality and shelf-life are variable and suspect.  It may be February before volume out of the new fields in the east is sufficient to appreciatively put downward pressure on FOB prices.  The Mexican crop is also behind but should precede the east with volume and we expect the west to be the first to begin to put downward pressure on national FOB prices.

·      Romas- Romas, which have been the tightest of all tomato commodities over the past several weeks, are one source of good news in an otherwise bleak market report.  Supplies of romas remain tight in the east but the increased volume from MX has caused the FOB prices on both coasts to fall.  FOB prices have fallen $8-$10 in the east as a result of the increased supplies from the west.

·      Grapes- Supply and demand are pretty much in equilibrium causing FOB prices to remain generally steady from last week.  We are beginning to see some downward pressure on FOB prices.  Quality is fair to good; shelf-life is suspect.  

·      Cherries- FOB prices are slightly down compared to last week.  Quality is variable.

·      Weather forecast-  Immokalee- Mostly cloudy skies will continue into next week with rain forecasted for Thursday, Friday and Sunday.



·      Rounds- Vine-ripes are crossing at McAllen and Nogales.  Supplies are slowly increasing but will not approach normal levels for at least 10 more days. Demand is currently good and the level of demand will be a large factor on how FOB prices will react in the next week or two.  We are seeing some quality issues primarily in the form of skin defects.

·      Romas- As mentioned above, the Mexican roma market is the one bright spot this week as supplies continue to increase and FOB prices are down again on all sizes.

·      Grapes- Grapes are crossing primarily at Nogales.  After falling last week, FOB prices are higher this week as supplies become tighter due to cooler weather.  Quality continues to be variable.

·      Cherries- Slight increases in supplies continue to put slight downward pressure on FOB prices.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Due to adverse weather, the supply of bell peppers in the east has reached critical levels. FOB prices are up sharply compared to last week.  Quality and shelf-life continue to be a concern as growers continue to report issues from bacterial pressure to bruising.  Accordingly, inventory levels should continue to be kept as tight as possible

West- FOB prices are much higher again this week as the cool weather has caused a decrease in supplies.   Demand is good.  Quality is generally good.


Yellow Squash

East- Supplies remain extremely tight to non-existent and not near enough to meet demand.  Homestead is the primary growing region and their acreage is down.  FOB prices remain high with continued upward pressure for both medium and fancy grades. Quality and shelf life is variable and generally fair at best.

West- The cold weather did more damage to the yellow squash crop than any other dry vegetable commodity.  It will affect the volume of supplies through February.  FOB prices remain high this week and are expected to remain high for the rest of the month.  Crossings continue at Nogales.


Green Squash

East- Supplies are tight again this week and FOB prices remain high.  Large sized squash continue to be extremely tight.   Quality and shelf-life is variable and suspect but is better than the yellow squash.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  Supplies are down sharply due to the cool weather and prices are much higher.  Quality remains generally good.


 Green Beans

Demand is still good and pricing has come off in Florida and Mexico.



East- Our domestic crop has ended. The off-shore Honduras product continues to unload.  The quality of the off-shore product continues to be good. FOB prices are generally steady with upward pressure.

West- Product continues to cross at Nogales.  Supplies are down and FOB prices are higher this week.



East- FOB prices are slightly higher again this week on both grades. Quality of eggplant remains generally good.

West- FOB prices are moderately higher this week as the cold weather has slowed harvesting.



East- FOB prices are steady to higher this week due to increased demand and limited supplies

West- FOB prices are slightly higher this week.  Quality remains good.