· Rounds- We are finally seeing some relief from the relatively high FOB tomato prices that we have been experiencing for most of this year. Weak demand and stronger supplies, especially from the west, have caused FOB prices in FL to drop $4-$6 on all sizes. We expect to see continued lower prices in the next few weeks as additional supplies from our new fields in central Florida start producing with some appreciable volume. This expectation of lower FOB prices over the next week or two assumes that demand remains weak. Quality is generally good.
· Romas- Supplies in the east have increased slightly but continue to be tight and most repackers are sourcing MX tomatoes to meet demand. Even though supplies are tight, FOB prices are down due to light demand and a substantial increase in supplies from MX. Quality is good in the east. Quality continues to be variable out of MX but is improving.
· Grapes- Weak demand and an increase in supplies both in the east and west has put substantial downward pressure on FL FOB prices. Quality remains variable but is improving quickly.
· Cherries- FOB prices remain generally weak and have fallen again this week. Demand is weak. Quality is variable but improving.
· Weather forecast- Immokalee- Most days for the next week will see partly cloudy skies with only a slight chance of storms Wednesday and Thursday. Highs will be in the 80s with lows in the upper 50s.
· Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at McAllen and Nogales. Weak demand and stronger supplies have caused FOB prices to fall. We continue to see variableness in quality and shelf-life but overall quality is improving.
· Romas- FOB prices are generally down for the same reason they are down for rounds- decreased demand and an increase in supply. New fields in the east and in Baja will cause supplies to increase over the next several weeks. FOB prices are at or near Suspension Agreement minimums. We continue to see some quality issues in some lots due to puffiness and softness but overall quality has improved.
· Grapes- As forecasted last week, grape supplies have improved. Demand remains weak. This situation has caused FOB prices to drop dramatically from last week. Quality is improving.
· Cherries- Demand is light. Supplies have improved. FOB prices are down from last week. Quality is variable but improving.
Green Bell Pepper
East- The green bell market is the one dry vegetable commodity that remains high and active due to a continued shortage of supplies. FOB prices remain strong on all sizes and grades. We do expect new fields to provide more supply sometime next week. Therefore, we should see these FOB prices begin to fall. Quality has been generally good.
West- Demand is soft. Supplies generally remain tight. However, the desert fields are seeing an increase in yields and we expect them to continue to improve. Quality remains suspect but is improving.
Yellow Squash
East- Hot weather has sped-up the growth of squash in the new fields in central FL and we are seeing FOB prices continue to fall after being high all winter. Quality is improving but scarring is still being seen due to past high winds.
West- FOB prices are down slightly again this week. Quality is variable but good quality can be found. Crossings continue at Nogales. We expect volume to continue to increase over the next several weeks.
Green Squash
East- FOB prices are down again this week. Quantity and quality continue to improve.
West- Crossings continue at Nogales. FOB prices remain at or close to floor levels. Quality remains generally good. We expect prices to remain low until the middle of April when they may begin to rise due to a small gap in supply.
Green Beans FOB prices continue to drop making green beans a popular produce item to promote. Quality is good.
Cucumbers- East- Our Florida growers are in full production and supplies are strong. FOB prices are low with even more downward pressure. Quality is generally good.
West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels. FOB prices are down on all sizes and grades. Baja has begun to harvest with light volume. We expect FOB prices to remain low through April.
East- Supplies continue to be tight and FOB prices are generally steady. Quality of eggplant remains generally good.
West- Supplies will remain generally tight until the desert begins to harvest around mid-April. FOB prices are generally steady.
East- Supplies are tight and FOB prices remain strong this week.
West- FOB prices are down again this week as the northern production continues to increase.