Market Trends: Week of 16 May, 2016



• Rounds- A bumper crop as far as yield and quality continues out of our central Florida fields.    FOB prices are down again this week and the market continues to be inverted. The Quincy growing region (northern FL) is expected to begin producing on the 26th and 27th of this month with little or no gap in supplies during the transition.  Our SC fields should then begin right behind the Quincy fields so little or no gap is expected during that transition either.  Practically the only thing that could throw this schedule off is an unseen and unlikely weather event.  A few rain showers during the past week as caused us to miss getting into the fields for a couple of days which has caused an influx of vine-ripes.  Quality is excellent.

• Romas- Strong supplies continue.  FOB prices are steady from last week at or near rock bottom.  Quality is excellent.

• Grapes- Excellent supplies continue and FOB prices remain steady at or near floor prices. Quality is excellent.

• Cherries- Supplies continue to increase and FOB prices remain at floor levels.  Quality is very good to excellent.

• Weather forecast- Ruskin:  Partly sunny to sunny skies with high in the upper 80s and lows in the mid to upper 60s each day through Sunday.  The chance of rain is slim but we are in the season when afternoon violent storms could always develop.



• Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja, McAllen andNogales. Quality is better out of Baja than Nogales.  Mature greens continue to be harvested.  Quality is very good to excellent.  FOB prices remain low.  We do not anticipate any gap in supplies while transitioning between growing regions.  However, a pattern of untypical rainstorms are hitting the fields every 4 or 5 days.  If this pattern continues we may begin to see some quality issues pop up and a decline in volume.

• Romas- Good supplies from several growing regionscontinues to keep FOB prices at or near Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is very good.

• Grapes- Good supplies out of Nogales and Baja are keeping the FOB prices of grapes at low levels. The quantity and quality of the fruit crossing at Nogales is not as good as that crossing from Baja. The better quality fruit is bringing higher FOB prices.

• Cherries- The supply of cherries in the west is the one tomato commodity that is tight due to only a few growers growing them.  Some suppliers are going east to meet demand.  Quality is generally less than good.







Green Bell Pepper

East- Good supplies from Florida continue, especially for the largest sizes.  FOB prices are steady with upward pressure.  Quality is very good.

West- We are seeing a decline in quality as some fields are coming to an end.  We expect the northern desert to start up around June 1. FOB prices are generally up from last week on all sizes and grades.


Yellow Squash

East- FOB prices remain at low levels but are up off the floor from last week.  Quality remains variable but good quality can be found.

West- FOB prices are steady to up slightly this week. Quality has declined during the week and is now only fair.  Crossings continue at Nogales.


Green Squash

East- Like the yellow, FOB prices remain at low levels this week but there is upward pressure for quality product. Quality remains variable but good quality can be found.

West- Crossings continue at Nogales.  FOB prices are higher but remain at low levels. Quality remains generally good but becoming more variable.


Green Beans - Supplies coming out of Florida and Georgia will be plentiful. Quality is good.


Cucumbers- East- FOB prices up slightly again this week. Quality remains generally good.

West- Product continues to cross at Nogales at good levels.  There is upward pressure on FOB prices but they remain at low levels.Baja also continues to harvest.



East- More supplies are coming online which is causing FOB prices to drop again this week. Quality of eggplant is very good to excellent.



East- FOB prices are generally lower this week.  Quality is verygood.