Market Report: Week of 11 June 2017


Week of June 11,2017



• Rounds- Weak national demand continues to be the single most significant factor affecting the

market for round tomatoes. The weak demand has caused FOB prices to fall by another $2 to

$4 from last week depending on size. The XL size has fallen the most. Rain is expected in all

eastern growing regions today and Wednesday. Our crop in the coastal SC region is just

beginning to produce. Quincy, FL and south GA crops continue. The central FL region

(Palmetto/Ruskin) continues to produce but is getting toward the end. Even with the decrease

in FOB prices, the trigger price points of many contracts remain exceeded and will be in effect

again next week although at correspondingly lower levels. This is especially true for the large

and medium sizes. We forecast that downward pressure will continue on FOB prices. Quality

continues to be generally good.

• Romas- Demand is down and supplies are a little better. FOB prices are down again this week.

Prices are down $1-$3 dollars depending on size with the largest drop on the XL size. Quality

continues to be variable.

• Grapes- Our SC fields continue to produce this week improving supplies as demand remains

weak. FOB prices are down slightly.

• Cherries- Supplies remain tight but demand is weak. FOB prices are down in the $4 range

from last week.


• Rounds- Very light supplies of mature greens continue out of CA an MX while demand is

extremely weak. FOB prices are down $4-$6 from last week. The CA valley fields were

expected to start-up this week but a short cool spell slowed growth and they are now expected

to begin next Thursday. Quality remains variable. Vine-ripes are crossing at Baja with good

demand on the 5x5 and 5x6 sizes.

• Romas- Crossings continue at Baja and McAllen. Prices for all sizes are steady at levels close

to or ate the minimums. The quality of fruit crossing at Baja is generally good.

• Grapes- Supplies have ramped up at Baja and demand continues to be weak which has

caused FOB prices to fall moderately.

• Cherries- Supply and demand have stayed in equilibrium and FOB prices have remained

steady from last week.

NOTE: The eastern growing regions have all experienced rain and some areas have

experienced violent storms. The weather forecast calls for additional rains this week. Though

it has thus far shown-up only to a limited degree, this type of weather almost always causes

less than ideal quality and suspect shelf-life. Therefore, we suggest that dry vegetable

inventories be kept as tight as possible until we work through this product.


P r o fi t F r om E x p e r i e n c e

Horizons, LLC

Green Bell Pepper

East- GA continues to be primary producer. FL fields also continue to produce. Our eastern

NC crop should begin within 10 days. Storms and rains have hit both regions and quality is variable.

Supplies are sufficient and FOB prices are currently down from last week.

West- The desert is all but finished. The Bakersfield crop is slow to start-up due to a cooler

than normal spell. Currently, FOB prices are steady to down slightly compared to last week but we

expect upward pressures until the Bakersfield crop gets ramped up.

Red Bell Pepper

West- The desert harvest is winding down and we expect upward pressures on FOB prices as

we wait for the new crops to begin.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies available from GA, SC and NC. FOB prices for both fancy and medium are

down compared to last week. All three areas have gone through rains and we are concerned about

quality and shelf-life.

West- Supplies remain tight but have eased somewhat. Crossings continue at Nogales but

quality is suspect as the crop comes to an end. The quality of the Santa Maria product is better. FOB

prices are down from last week.

Green Squash

East- Supplies are available from GA, SC and NC. Prices for both fancy and medium are

steady to down slightly. See note above concerning quality.

West- Various regions are now harvesting green squash. This will probably be the last week

for Nogales crossings. Santa Maria and Fresno fields continue to produce. Washington state fields

have started this week. These additional supplies have caused FOB price to drop from last week.


East- GA fields continue to produce but the rains and old vines make quality suspect. Our new

fields in NC have begun but they have been hit with rain and violent storms. FOB prices for supers

are generally steady and the price for selects is currently down slightly from last week.

West- Better supplies are available from Baja as that region is now ramped up. Nogales still

has a few crossing as that crop comes to an end. FOB prices are down sharply due to the increase in



East- More GA supplies are available. Prices are steady with downward pressure but the

search for quality product may put upward pressure on prices for good product.

West- Nogales crossings and the desert continue. FOB prices are generally down slightly from

last week.


East- Better supplies out of GA. FOB prices are down slightly again this week. Quality is


West- Baja crossing continue. The Santa Maria crop is about two week away. FOB prices ae

up slightly.


East- GA continues to be the primary growing region. However, quality has become suspect

and variable. FOB prices are slightly higher.

West- FOB prices are currently up slightly compared to last week. However, we expect more

volume by this weekend out of Brentwood which should put downward pressure on prices.

• Eastern Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

• Western Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

Code to Color Alerts:

Market generally with-in normal ranges and steady from last week for both pricing and quality. Any price changes

can be expected to be $1.50 or less with no major changes in quality. Also, no change in the growing region(s) and no

news that could drastically affect pricing in the future.

Some news included concerning the market that may indicate a moderate change in pricing and/or quality. FOB

pricing is generally up or down between $1.50 and $5.00 from the previous week. It will also be used to indicate news

that may have a drastic impact on the price, quality and/or availability in future weeks (versus the following week). Finally,

this color will also be used to indicate a commodity that continues to be outside the normal range as far as price, quality

and/or availability.

News included that indicates a major change in the market from the previous week as far as pricing, quality and/

or availability. May see price changes, up or down, in excess of $5.00 per case. This color will only be used to indicate a

major change from the previous week.

Important note: This market report is only a snapshot of the various commodity markets as of the morning of the date of

the report. When we expect a trend to develop, we will express that expectation. However, commodity markets are

subject to actual supply and demand levels and can change quickly due to weather and other unforeseen factors.

Therefore, please be aware that markets may change from the time this report is published and the time prices are set for

the following week. If such changes are dramatic, we will publish a revised market report.

Market Report: Week of 5 June 2017




• Rounds- National demand has fallen off dramatically due to the recent high markets and getting past the holiday

weekend. Supplies are still down but the lack of demand has caused FOB prices to fall this week on all sizes. The

Palmetto/Ruskin (Central) region of FL continues with additional pickings and the fruit from these pickings are on the

smaller size. The Quincy, FL region started harvesting this week in a light way with only the Ex-Large size being

harvested. The FOB price for 5x6s has fallen around $2 and the price for the 6x6 and 6x7s have fallen in the $4 range.

Even with the decrease in FOB prices, the trigger price points of most contracts remain exceeded and will be in effect

again next week although at correspondingly lower levels. We expect our SC crop to begin to produce toward the end of

next week. We look for continued downward pressure on prices. Quality continues to be generally good.

• Romas- Demand is down and supplies are a little better this week. FOB prices are down approximately $4. Quality

continues to be variable.

• Grapes- Our SC fields have started to produce this week improving supplies as demand is weak after the holiday

weekend. FOB prices are down over $10 for the 25# bulk and down over $6 dollars for the 12/1 pt. clamshells. Prices

have fallen below trigger price points for contracts.

• Cherries- Supplies remain tight but demand is down. FOB prices are down slightly from last week.


• Rounds-The FOB prices for mature greens in the west continue to mirror those in the east. Demand is extremely weak.

Extreme heat in the growing region is causing quality to be only mostly fair with softness being the main issue. Shelf-life

normally becomes suspect with these growing conditions. More volume of the larger sized vine-ripes is crossing at Baja.

Demand is weak for these tomatoes also.

• Romas- Baja crossings continue to get ramped up. Prices for all sizes are trending back toward the minimums. The

quality of fruit crossing at Baja is generally good.

• Grapes- Supplies continue to be tight at Baja but can meet most of the demand from the west. Prices remain generally

steady from last week.

• Cherries- Supplies are a little more plentiful this week and demand is light. FOB prices are down by around $4

compared to last week. More repackers will be able to meet their needs without having to go east next week.


P r o fi t F r om E x p e r i e n c e

Horizons, LLC

Green Bell Pepper

East- GA continues to be primary producer. Supplies are sufficient and FOB prices are currently down slightly from last


West- The desert continues to produce but is coming to the end of the crop. Bakersfield should start to produce

sometime next week. FOB prices are generally down slightly this week.

Red Bell Pepper

West- No report available.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies available primarily from GA. SC also continues. FOB prices for fancy are generally steady while prices are

stronger for the medium.

West- Supplies remain extremely tight this week (almost non-existent) with generally poor quality. FOB prices remain

generally steady at last week’s high levels.

Green Squash

East- Supplies are short and FOB prices are higher for both fancy and medium. GA is primary growing region.

West- Nogales product continues to cross as Santa Maria begins in a light way. FOB prices are steady to down this week.


East- GA product is winding down and in short supply. Our eastern NC fields are scheduled to begin Thursday of this

week. However, the region was hit with a tornado last night and power has not been yet restored. FOB prices currently are down

from where they were last week but the weather could make for a dicey market as the week continues.

West- Supplies continue to cross at Nogales but should end by the end of the week or early next week. Baja continues to

get ramped up. FOB prices are currently steady with downward pressure.


East- More GA supplies are available. Prices are steady with downward pressure.

West- Nogales crossings and the desert continue. FOB prices are generally down from last week.


East- Better supplies out of GA. FOB prices are down slightly. Quality is improving.

West- Better supplies have cause FOB prices to fall slightly this week.


East- GA continues to be the primary growing region. However, quality has become suspect and variable. FOB prices are

slightly higher.

West- FOB prices are down slightly again this week.

• Eastern Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:


• Western Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:


Code to Color Alerts:

Market generally with-in normal ranges and steady from last week for both pricing and quality. Any price changes can be expected to be $1.50

or less with no major changes in quality. Also, no change in the growing region(s) and no news that could drastically affect pricing in the future.

Some news included concerning the market that may indicate a moderate change in pricing and/or quality. FOB pricing is generally up or down

between $1.50 and $5.00 from the previous week. It will also be used to indicate news that may have a drastic impact on the price, quality and/or

availability in future weeks (versus the following week). Finally, this color will also be used to indicate a commodity that continues to be outside the normal

range as far as price, quality and/or availability.

News included that indicates a major change in the market from the previous week as far as pricing, quality and/or availability. May see price

changes, up or down, in excess of $5.00 per case. This color will only be used to indicate a major change from the previous week.

Important note: This market report is only a snapshot of the various commodity markets as of the morning of the date of the report. When we expect a

trend to develop, we will express that expectation. However, commodity markets are subject to actual supply and demand levels and can change quickly

due to weather and other unforeseen factors. Therefore, please be aware that markets may change from the time this report is published and the time

prices are set for the following week. If such changes are dramatic, we will publish a revised market report.

Market News: Week of 29 May 2017




• Rounds- Supplies in the east remain extremely tight. FOB prices continue to get stronger and

are up $2 to $3 on all sizes. Trigger price points of contracts remain exceeded and will be in

effect again next week. We are toward the end of production out of the central FL fields.

Quincy is still on schedule to start harvesting next week and our SC fields should start to

produce sometime over the following weekend (6/3). As we await the new fields to begin, the

tight supplies continue to put slight upward pressures on FOB prices and we are seeing a wide

range in quality. We should begin to see some relief in these high FOB prices (barring a

weather event) when the SC crop gets ramped up during the 1st or 2nd full week of June.

• Romas- Supplies are short again this week. FOB prices are generally steady to slightly higher

compared to last week. We expect a higher market will continue on romas as the higher round

prices put pressure on the roma prices. This will probably continue into June when new

supplies should start up. Quality has become variable.

• Grapes- Supplies are tighter this week and demand is good. FOB prices are up in the $8

range for the 25# bulk and up $2 to $4 dollars for the 12/1 pt. clamshells. Trigger price points

remain exceeded for all contracts.

• Cherries- Supplies remain tight and product is difficult to procure. FOB prices are generally

steady at last week’s prices.


• Rounds-The FOB prices in the west are mirroring those in the east. However, weak demand is

putting some downward pressures on prices in the west. We are expecting to see increased

crossings at Baja next week. It has been extremely hot in the CA growing region with days well

into the 100s over the weekend. We expect FOB prices to moderate over the next couple of

weeks as more supplies become available. There is enough mature greens in the west to

meet more of the demand which will allow for freight savings in the wet.

• Romas- Baja crossings continue to get ramped up. FOB prices are generally steady from last

week but we expect the prices to fall after next week as more supplies become available and

demand slackens off after the holidays. The quality of fruit crossing at Baja is generally good.

• Grapes- Supplies continue to be tight at Baja but have eased up to the point that more western

repackers can source from here and save on freight costs. Also, FOB costs are lower this


• Cherries- Supplies continue to be tight and FOB prices remain high but more western

repackers are able to meet their supply needs from the west. FOB prices are higher in the

west this week but freight savings will help offset the higher FOB prices.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Heavy rains in the GA growing regions today and tomorrow are making for a dicey

market. FOB prices are currently down from last week but the weather could cause rapid and sudden

fluctuations in FOB prices.

West- Market remains active due to light supplies but price levels are currently close to where

they were last week.

Red Bell Pepper

West- Good volume available. Pricing remains in a narrow range with some downward


Yellow Squash

East- Supplies continue out of central FL and GA. FL supplies rapidly winding down. FOB

prices are generally steady on both fancy and medium. Quality is better out of GA.

West- Supplies remain tight this week. FOB prices remain generally steady at last week’s high


Green Squash

East- FOB prices generally steady. GA is primary growing region.

West- FOB prices are down moderately this week. Santa Maria product will be harvested



East- GA is now primary growing region. Prices are generally steady for supers and down

slightly for the select.

West- FOB prices are steady with downward pressure. Baja continues to get ramped up.


East- Supplies remain tight and FOB prices are generally steady with upward pressure.

West- Nogales crossings and the desert continue. We are seeing a wider range of pricing for

product but prices are generally steady from last week for quality product.


East- Supplies remain tight. FOB prices are generally steady with upward pressure. Quality is


West- No report


East- Good supplies out of GA has caused FOB prices to fall slightly again this week.

West- Supplies continue to be tight. Prices remain high but are down $4-$5 dollars from last


• Eastern Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

• Western Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

Code to Color Alerts:

Market generally with-in normal ranges and steady from last week for both pricing and quality. Any price changes

can be expected to be $1.50 or less with no major changes in quality. Also, no change in the growing region(s) and no

news that could drastically affect pricing in the future.

Some news included concerning the market that may indicate a moderate change in pricing and/or quality. FOB

pricing is generally up or down between $1.50 and $5.00 from the previous week. It will also be used to indicate news

that may have a drastic impact on the price, quality and/or availability in future weeks (versus the following week). Finally,

this color will also be used to indicate a commodity that continues to be outside the normal range as far as price, quality

and/or availability.

News included that indicates a major change in the market from the previous week as far as pricing, quality and/

or availability. May see price changes, up or down, in excess of $5.00 per case. This color will only be used to indicate a

major change from the previous week.

Important note: This market report is only a snapshot of the various commodity markets as of the morning of the date of

the report. When we expect a trend to develop, we will express that expectation. However, commodity markets are

subject to actual supply and demand levels and can change quickly due to weather and other unforeseen factors.

Therefore, please be aware that markets may change from the time this report is published and the time prices are set for

the following week. If such changes are dramatic, we will publish a revised market report.

Market News: Week of 18 May 2017



May 18, 2017

(Note: See end of report for explanation to the color codes)



• Rounds- As we predicted last week, the yields out of the FL fields and the level of quality

supplies from the West this past week would determine the direction and severity of any

movement in the market this week. Unfortunately, yields are down in the east and quality

supplies are not available in the west as the crop transitions to new growing regions. This,

coupled with the fact that the growers planted 20% less acreage in the Palmetto/Ruskin

growing region, has caused supplies to be short of filling demand and has given rise to the

highest FOB markets in over 2 years. Trigger price points of contracts have been exceeded

and will be in effect next week. The good news is this shortage and high markets should be

relatively short-lived as the Quincey crop should be starting up around June 1 and the SC crop

should start within one week after that. The FOB market has jumped $8 or more since last

week on all sizes. Quality continues to be good but not as good as the quality we saw all

winter coming out of the South FL fields. We will keep you posted on market developments,

especially as it affects contracts.

• Romas- Supplies are tight for the same reasons as for the rounds- less acreage planted and

gaps. FOB prices for all sizes are up close to $5. We expect a higher market will continue on

romas for several weeks as the higher round prices put pressure on the roma prices. This will

probably continue into June when new supplies should start up. Quality thus far remains good.

• Grapes- Supplies are tighter and demand is good. FOB prices are up $3 on the 12/1pt grapes

and up $7 on the 20 lb. bulk. Quality remains very good.

• Cherries- Supplies are very tight and product is difficult to procure. FOB prices are up

moderately. Quality is good.


• Rounds- Supplies are gapping in the west. As reported last week, one grower began

harvesting in the desert last week. However, supplies are so light that they go days between

pickings. Crossings of quality product at Nogales is practically nil. Many repackers have had

to go back east to meet demand. FOB prices of vine-ripes crossing at Baja are up for all sizes

and we expect those prices to continue to get stronger.

• Romas- Nogales crossings are at an end. Baja crossings continue to get ramped up but

cannot meet all of demand. FOB prices are up $3 to $5 depending on size. Quality is

generally poor out of Nogales but the quality of fruit crossing at Baja is generally good.

• Grapes- Supplies continue to be tight at Baja and many repackers are having to go east to

meet demand. Grape prices will be considerably higher this week due to the increase in FOB

prices and additional freight.

• Cherries- Supplies continue to be tight and repackers are once again having to go east to meet

demand. FOB prices are up moderately and additional freight will cause prices to rise even

higher this week. Quality is good.

Green Bell Pepper

East- The GA crop has begun. We are seeing lighter yields out of the Plant City fields. Quality

remains variable out of FL. We are seeing some upward pressures on FOB prices.

West- The desert crop is about all that remains. FOB prices have not moved at all or very little

from last week. The price on some sizes and grades are up; others are down. But all within a narrow


Red Bell Pepper

West- No report available this week.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies continue out of central FL and GA. FOB prices are steady to down slightly on

both fancy and medium. Quality is generally good.

West- Supplies are tight this week as we wait for new crops to start next week. Prices are up

moderately for both fancy and medium.

Green Squash

East- Good quality continues. We are seeing upward pressure on FOB prices.

West- Light crossings continue at Nogales but quality is only fair. Fresno is just starting to

harvest. FOB prices are slightly higher this week.


East- FL and GA fields continue to produce. We are seeing more quality issues out of the older

FL fields. FOB prices are steady to up slightly.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have started but it will be 7-10 more days

before volume gets completely ramped-up. FOB prices are steady to slightly higher.


East- Supplies remain tight and FOB prices are slightly higher again this week

West- Nogales crossings and the desert continue. Prices are generally steady.


East- Supplies remain extremely tight with continued upward pressures on FOB prices.

Quality is variable.

West- No report


East- Good supplies out of GA has caused FOB prices to fall moderately again from last week.

West- Supplies are extremely tight. Nogales is finished for the season. The quality out of the

desert fields is only fair. The northern CA fields will not start producing until the end of the month.

FOB prices are up again this week. Prices will remain high until the new crops start to come in.

• Eastern Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

• Western Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

Code to Color Alerts:

Market generally with-in normal ranges and steady from last week for both pricing and quality. Any price changes

can be expected to be $1.50 or less with no major changes in quality. Also, no change in the growing region(s) and no

news that could drastically affect pricing in the future.

Some news included concerning the market that may indicate a moderate change in pricing and/or quality. FOB

pricing is generally up or down between $1.50 and $5.00 from the previous week. It will also be used to indicate news

that may have a drastic impact on the price, quality and/or availability in future weeks (versus the following week). Finally,

this color will also be used to indicate a commodity that continues to be outside the normal range as far as price, quality

and/or availability.

News included that indicates a major change in the market from the previous week as far as pricing, quality and/

or availability. May see price changes, up or down, in excess of $5.00 per case. This color will only be used to indicate a

major change from the previous week.

Important note: This market report is only a snapshot of the various commodity markets as of the morning of the date of

the report. When we expect a trend to develop, we will express that expectation. However, commodity markets are

subject to actual supply and demand levels and can change quickly due to weather and other unforeseen factors.

Therefore, please be aware that markets may change from the time this report is published and the time prices are set for

the following week. If such changes are dramatic, we will publish a revised market report.

Market News: Week of 8 May 2017



• Rounds- We continue to be in the transition from our southern Florida (Immokalee) fields to

the central Florida fields (Palmetto/Ruskin). Demand continues to be weak and supplies are

good. This situation is putting continued downward pressure on FOB prices for the extra-large

and large sizes. Medium size is tighter and FOB prices are a little higher this week. Quality

continues to be very good and should continue to be very good for the foreseeable future.

• Romas- Demand continues to be weak. FOB prices are slightly lower on extra-large and

medium sizes and steady on the large size. Quality this week is very good.

• Grapes- New and more supplies are causing FOB prices to fall again this week. Prices are down

a couple of dollars for the 12/1 pt. flats. Due to lack of supplies and quality in the west, a large

portion of the country continues to come to FL for supplies. Quality remains very good to


• Cherries- FOB prices remain steady this week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Partly cloudy to sunny skies for the rest of this week.

Highs each day will be in the mid to upper 80s. Lows at night in the mid-60s. Cloudy with a

good chance of rain early next week. Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy to sunny into next week with

highs in the mid to upper 80s. Lows will run from the mid-60s.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Crossings continue at Nogales, McAllen and Baja.

FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is ok and sizing is on the

small side. We continue to use MX2-layers for the largest sizes and those FOB prices are lower

this week. The California crop should begin around June 10 with one grower. All growers

should be going around the first week of July. Vine ripes from Mexico remain plentiful with

poor demand.

• Romas- Nogales, Baja and McAllen crossings continue. After rising off the minimums for the

past two weeks, prices have returned to or close to minimums. Quality continues to be

variable and only mostly fair.

• Grapes- Quality continues to be suspect and variable this week. We are continuing to see a

wider-than-normal range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Many suppliers

continue to go east to find quality product. Prices are down this week.

• Cherries- New crossings from Baja are allowing some repackers this week not to have to go

east to meet demand. Supplies continue to be tight and FOB prices are higher for the new

quality product.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Supplies remain good. Plant City has begun to harvest. FOB prices are steady. Quality is very


West- Fewer supplies currently available but we expect volume to improve during the week. FOB prices

currently are generally steady on XL, higher on the X and steady to lower on the choice. Quality is good.

Red Bell Pepper

West- No report available this week.

Yellow Squash

East- Good supplies continue out of central FL. The south GA crop is also being harvested. FOB prices

are a little lower than they were at this time last week due to the increased supplies. Quality is generally


West- CA desert fields have begun to be harvested but supplies are still generally tight. We are seeing

downward pressure on FOB prices.

Green Squash

East- Good supplies and quality; weak demand. FOB prices remains generally steady on the fancy and

mediums. Prices are down on the large.

West- FOB prices are lower this week on both fancy and mediums. Quality is good.


East- FL fields continue to produce. FOB prices are generally steady to higher on the supers and select.

Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have started. FOB prices are steady to lower compared

to last week.


East- FOB prices are generally lower on the fancy and steady to lower on the choice. Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossings continue and quality is good. FOB prices are down again this week.


East- FOB prices are slightly lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are stronger this week. Quality is good.


East- FOB prices are lower than they were at this time last week due to steady supplies but weaker

demand due to the holiday pull ending. Quality is good.

West- Supplies are tighter and FOB prices are higher this week. Quality is variable. We look for the

desert fields to begin around the weekend.




Market Trends: Week of 1 May 2017



• Rounds- We continue to be in the transition from our southern Florida (Immokalee) fields to

the central Florida fields (Palmetto/Ruskin). Demand continues to be weak and supplies are

good. This situation is putting continued downward pressure on FOB prices for the extra-large

and large sizes. Medium size is tighter and FOB prices are a little higher this week. Quality

continues to be very good and should continue to be very good for the foreseeable future.

• Romas- Demand continues to be weak. FOB prices are slightly lower on extra-large and

medium sizes and steady on the large size. Quality this week is very good.

• Grapes- New and more supplies are causing FOB prices to fall again this week. Prices are down

a couple of dollars for the 12/1 pt. flats. Due to lack of supplies and quality in the west, a large

portion of the country continues to come to FL for supplies. Quality remains very good to


• Cherries- FOB prices remain steady this week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Partly cloudy to sunny skies for the rest of this week.

Highs each day will be in the mid to upper 80s. Lows at night in the mid-60s. Cloudy with a

good chance of rain early next week. Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy to sunny into next week with

highs in the mid to upper 80s. Lows will run from the mid-60s.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Crossings continue at Nogales, McAllen and Baja.

FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is ok and sizing is on the

small side. We continue to use MX2-layers for the largest sizes and those FOB prices are lower

this week. The California crop should begin around June 10 with one grower. All growers

should be going around the first week of July. Vine ripes from Mexico remain plentiful with

poor demand.

• Romas- Nogales, Baja and McAllen crossings continue. After rising off the minimums for the

past two weeks, prices have returned to or close to minimums. Quality continues to be

variable and only mostly fair.

• Grapes- Quality continues to be suspect and variable this week. We are continuing to see a

wider-than-normal range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Many suppliers

continue to go east to find quality product. Prices are down this week.

• Cherries- New crossings from Baja are allowing some repackers this week not to have to go

east to meet demand. Supplies continue to be tight and FOB prices are higher for the new

quality product.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Supplies remain good. Plant City has begun to harvest. FOB prices are steady. Quality is very


West- Fewer supplies currently available but we expect volume to improve during the week. FOB prices

currently are generally steady on XL, higher on the X and steady to lower on the choice. Quality is good.

Red Bell Pepper

West- No report available this week.

Yellow Squash

East- Good supplies continue out of central FL. The south GA crop is also being harvested. FOB prices

are a little lower than they were at this time last week due to the increased supplies. Quality is generally


West- CA desert fields have begun to be harvested but supplies are still generally tight. We are seeing

downward pressure on FOB prices.

Green Squash

East- Good supplies and quality; weak demand. FOB prices remains generally steady on the fancy and

mediums. Prices are down on the large.

West- FOB prices are lower this week on both fancy and mediums. Quality is good.


East- FL fields continue to produce. FOB prices are generally steady to higher on the supers and select.

Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have started. FOB prices are steady to lower compared

to last week.


East- FOB prices are generally lower on the fancy and steady to lower on the choice. Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossings continue and quality is good. FOB prices are down again this week.


East- FOB prices are slightly lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are stronger this week. Quality is good.


East- FOB prices are lower than they were at this time last week due to steady supplies but weaker

demand due to the holiday pull ending. Quality is good.

West- Supplies are tighter and FOB prices are higher this week. Quality is variable. We look for the

desert fields to begin around the weekend.



Market Trends: Week of 24 April 2017



• Rounds- We continue to be in the transition from our southern Florida (Immokalee) fields to

the central Florida fields (Palmetto/Ruskin). Demand continues to be weak and supplies are

good. This situation is putting continued downward pressure on FOB prices for the extra-large

and large sizes. Medium size is tighter and FOB prices are a little higher this week. Quality

continues to be very good and should continue to be very good for the foreseeable future.

• Romas- Demand continues to be weak. FOB prices are slightly lower on extra-large and

medium sizes and steady on the large size. Quality this week is very good.

• Grapes- New and more supplies are causing FOB prices to fall again this week. Prices are down

a couple of dollars for the 12/1 pt. flats. Due to lack of supplies and quality in the west, a large

portion of the country continues to come to FL for supplies. Quality remains very good to


• Cherries- FOB prices remain steady this week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Partly cloudy to sunny skies for the rest of this week.

Highs each day will be in the mid to upper 80s. Lows at night in the mid-60s. Cloudy with a

good chance of rain early next week. Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy to sunny into next week with

highs in the mid to upper 80s. Lows will run from the mid-60s.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Crossings continue at Nogales, McAllen and Baja.

FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is ok and sizing is on the

small side. We continue to use MX2-layers for the largest sizes and those FOB prices are lower

this week. The California crop should begin around June 10 with one grower. All growers

should be going around the first week of July. Vine ripes from Mexico remain plentiful with

poor demand.

• Romas- Nogales, Baja and McAllen crossings continue. After rising off the minimums for the

past two weeks, prices have returned to or close to minimums. Quality continues to be

variable and only mostly fair.

• Grapes- Quality continues to be suspect and variable this week. We are continuing to see a

wider-than-normal range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Many suppliers

continue to go east to find quality product. Prices are down this week.

• Cherries- New crossings from Baja are allowing some repackers this week not to have to go

east to meet demand. Supplies continue to be tight and FOB prices are higher for the new

quality product.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Supplies remain good. Plant City has begun to harvest. FOB prices are steady. Quality is very


West- Fewer supplies currently available but we expect volume to improve during the week. FOB prices

currently are generally steady on XL, higher on the X and steady to lower on the choice. Quality is good.

Red Bell Pepper

West- No report available this week.

Yellow Squash

East- Good supplies continue out of central FL. The south GA crop is also being harvested. FOB prices

are a little lower than they were at this time last week due to the increased supplies. Quality is generally


West- CA desert fields have begun to be harvested but supplies are still generally tight. We are seeing

downward pressure on FOB prices.

Green Squash

East- Good supplies and quality; weak demand. FOB prices remains generally steady on the fancy and

mediums. Prices are down on the large.

West- FOB prices are lower this week on both fancy and mediums. Quality is good.


East- FL fields continue to produce. FOB prices are generally steady to higher on the supers and select.

Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have started. FOB prices are steady to lower compared

to last week.


East- FOB prices are generally lower on the fancy and steady to lower on the choice. Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossings continue and quality is good. FOB prices are down again this week.


East- FOB prices are slightly lower this week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are stronger this week. Quality is good.


East- FOB prices are lower than they were at this time last week due to steady supplies but weaker

demand due to the holiday pull ending. Quality is good.

West- Supplies are tighter and FOB prices are higher this week. Quality is variable. We look for the

desert fields to begin around the weekend.


Market Trends: Week of 17 April 2017



• Rounds- We continue to be in the gradual transition from our southern Florida (Immokalee) fields to the central Florida

fields (Palmetto/Ruskin). Another central Florida grower started harvesting today and another is scheduled to begin

around this weekend. Demand continues to be weak and supplies are good. This situation is putting downward pressure

on FOB prices for the extra-large and large sizes. FOB prices remain steady on the medium size. Quality continues to be

very good and should continue to be very good for the foreseeable future.

• Romas- Medium sized romas are tight this week. FOB prices are up on all sizes by around $3. Quality this week is very


• Grapes- New and more supplies are causing FOB prices to fall this week. Prices are down around $1 for the 12/1 pt. flats.

Due to lack of supplies and quality in the west, a large portion of the country continues to come to FL for supplies. Quality

remains very good to excellent.

• Cherries- Due to poor quality and supplies in the west, demand remains good in Florida. FOB prices are steady with

upward pressure this week. Quality remains very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Cloudy with a chance of showers tomorrow. After tomorrow, partly cloudy into next

week. Highs each day will be in the mid to upper 80s. Lows at night in the mid-60s. Ruskin, FL: Partly cloudy into next

week with highs in the mid to upper 80s. Lows will run from the low to mid 60s.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Crossings continue at Nogales, McAllen and Baja. FOB prices remain at

Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is ok and sizing is on the small side. We are using MX2-layers for the largest

sizes. The California crop should begin around June 10 with one grower. All growers should be going around the first week

of July. Vine ripes from Mexico remain plentiful with poor demand. Prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums

except for the largest sizes which is seeing upward pressures due to tighter suppliers.

• Romas- Nogales, Baja and McAllen crossings continue. FOB prices are off the minimums for the first time this winter and

spring due to lighter yields and increased holiday demand. Quality continues to be variable and only mostly fair.

• Grapes- Quality is variable and only fair at best on any available grapes. Repackers are going east for supplies and

quality product.

• Cherries- Quality continues to be suspect and variable this week. We are continuing to see a wider-than-normal range in

FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Many suppliers continue to go east to find quality product.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Good supply. FOB prices are currently steady but we expect higher prices as supplies are tighter and demand is

stronger. We expect the market to continue to be active until the CA crop begins with adequate volume which we expect

to be the week of 4/23. Quality is good.

West- Good supplies continue. FOB prices are generally down. Sizing is on the smaller side. Quality is generally good.

Red Bell Pepper

West- Downward pressures on FOB prices. Quality is good.

Yellow Squash

East- Good supplies continue out of central FL. The south GA crop has started to be harvested. FOB prices are a little

stronger than they were at this time last week but we expect downward pressures as we head into the weekend. Quality

continues to improve.

West- CA desert fields have begun to be harvested. FOB prices are generally steady on the medium and down on the fancy


Green Squash

East- Good supplies and quality. FOB prices remains generally steady on the fancy and mediums. Prices are down on the


West- FOB prices remain in a narrow trading range in the west. Quality is generally good.


East- Supplies continue to ramp-up from FL fields. FOB prices are generally steady on the supers and continue to drop on

the select. Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have started. Better supplies have caused FOB prices to fall from last



East- FOB prices are generally steady on the fancy and lower on the choice. Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossings continue and quality is good. FOB prices are down this week.


East- FOB prices are slightly higher this week. Quality is generally good.

West- No report this week.


East- Supplies and demand continue to be good. FOB prices are higher than they were at this time last week but we expect

prices to fall as we continue into the week. Quality is good.

West- FOB prices are higher this week. Quality is variable. MX fields should be finishing up by the end of April.


Market Trends: Week of 3 April 2017



• Rounds- We are entering into the spring gradual transition from our southern Florida

(Immokalee) fields to the central Florida fields (Palmetto/Ruskin). We reported last week that

sizing was toward the minimum side of specs and we expect this to continue during this

transition which will run for about three weeks. This will place a premium price on the larger

sized tomatoes. As is typical, yields are decreased in the older fields. As we move forward

through April, we expect yields to remain lower than they have been all winter due to less

acreage being planted for spring harvesting and some damage that has already occurred in

the new fields due to a freeze. FOB prices are up a couple of dollars for the larger sizes and less

than that for the smaller sizes. Quality remains very good and should remain very good for at

least the next couple of weeks.

• Romas- FOB prices are steady for the large and medium sizes and up slightly for the extra-large

size. Quality this week is very good.

• Grapes- FOB prices are up substantially this week as supplies are having trouble keeping up

with demand. This is the first week this has occurred all winter. Quality remains very good to


• Cherries- FOB prices are higher for cherries also. Prices have risen in the four dollar range from

last week. Quality is generally very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Mostly sunny with highs near 90 through the weekend.

There is only a slight chance of showers each day.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales but we

continue to see signs of a slight seasonal slowdown. Crossings also continue at McAllen. FOB

prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality and sizing continue to improve.

We expect Mexican fields to continue for about five more weeks. The California crop should

begin around June 10 with one grower. All growers should be going around the first week of

July. Wetter than normal conditions delayed some growers from their normal planting

schedule. Vine ripes from Mexico remain plentiful with poor demand. Prices remain at

Suspension Agreement minimums.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. Baja crossing should start next week. FOB

prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums for all sizes. Quality continues to be

variable but has improved.

• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Like in the east, prices are up

substantially over last week.

• Cherries- Quality continues to be suspect and variable this week. We are continuing to see a

wider-than-normal range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Overall, repackers are

having to pay higher FOB prices again this week for quality product.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Generally good supply. FOB prices are steady with slight downward pressure this week on all sizes

and grades. Quality is good.

West- Good supplies continue. FOB prices are steady to down slightly. Quality is generally good.

Red Bell Pepper

West- Supplies of field reds are tighter this week putting upward pressure on FOB prices. Quality is

generally good.

Yellow Squash

East- New supplies have caused FOB prices to drop again this week. We have begun to harvest fields in

Plant City. Quality continues to improve but winds have caused some scarring.

West- Increased supplies have also caused FOB prices to fall in the west. We expect the desert fields to

begin to be harvested starting next week.

Green Squash

East- Like the yellow, new fields have increased supply and quality. FOB prices are down again this


West- FOB prices are also down in the west. Quality continues to improve.


East- FOB prices are steady but we expect downward pressures as more volume is getting ramped up

from new Florida fields. Quality is good.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have started. The market remains active with FOB

prices generally steady to slightly higher from last week.


East- FOB prices for fancy are steady while the prices for choice are generally steady to down. Quality is

generally good.

West- Nogales crossings continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are steady to slightly higher this week. Quality is generally good.

West- FOB prices are slightly higher this week. Quality is good.


East- Supplies are up sharply causing a large drop in FOB prices this week. Yields are excellent and we

expect few changes through the third week of April.

West- Supplies remain tight in the west. This is causing FOB prices to remain generally steady but with

upward pressures. Quality is variable.


Market Trends: Week of 27 March 2017

Note: Last week we reported that the quality of most dry vegetable commodities had suffered due to the
rains and high winds of previous weeks. Quality has improved for some commodities this week but is
still suspect and variable for others. Details, by commodity, are given below.



• Rounds- Quality has improved this week with the only issue we see is some occasional

softness. Overall, quality is very good to excellent. Demand still has not picked up as it

normally does this time of the year. Mexico continues to dictate market prices. FOB prices are

down this week for all sizes. If demand does not pick up and if we do not experience a weather

event, we expect prices to remain low for at least the next 3 to 4 weeks.

• Romas- FOB prices for romas also continue to trade within a narrow range and Mexico is

dictating this market also. FOB prices are generally steady with downward pressure this week.

We expect FOB prices to remain low and to trade within a narrow range. Like the rounds,

quality has improved this week and is very good to excellent.

• Grapes- Ample supplies are causing FOB prices to remain at rock-bottom levels. Quality is

variable but is generally very good.

• Cherries- FOB prices have fallen a couple of dollars again this week. Quality is better and is

generally very good.

• Weather forecast- Immokalee, FL: Mostly sunny skies into next week with little chance of rain.

Cool through Thursday and then warming near 80 over the weekend.


• Rounds- Demand continues to be light. Good volume continues to cross at Nogales but we

continue to see signs of a slight seasonal slowdown. Sizing is down. Crossings also continue

at McAllen. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality continues to be

suspect and variable but we are seeing some signs of improvement. We expect the round

tomato market pricing to remain stable for the next several weeks.

• Romas- Nogales and McAllen crossings continue. FOB prices remain at Suspension Agreement

minimums for all sizes. Quality is variable.

• Grapes- Crossings primarily at Nogales. Quality is variable. Prices remain generally at

Suspension Agreement minimums.

• Cherries- Quality is suspect and variable this week. We are continuing to see a wider-thannormal

range in FOB prices which correspond to the quality. Overall, repackers are having to

pay higher FOB prices for quality product.

Green Bell Pepper

East- Quality continues to be variable but overall quality is a little better this week. FOB prices are

currently lower compared to last week.

West- FOB prices are generally steady and trading within a narrow range. The desert fields will be

starting soon.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies and yields are still light due to pollination issues. However, a few more supplies are

currently available compared to last week and we forecast that supplies will continue to slowly increase

into next week. We continue to see a wider-than-normal variance in FOB pricing with the better quality

product demanding the higher prices. Compared to last week, FOB prices are lower. Quality overall is

slightly better as we get further removed from the adverse winds and rains of several weeks ago.

West- Quality remains fair this week. Supplies remain light but more supplies should be available soon

as we get into new desert fields. FOB prices will remain high until the new fields begin to produce.

Compared to last week FOB prices are steady to lower this week.

Green Squash

East- Supplies continue to be tight and we do not see the potential increase in supplies in the near

future as we do for the yellow squash. FOB prices remain high with some downward pressures. Quality

continues to be variable but is improving.

West- Quality remains variable. Slightly more supply is causing downward pressures on FOB prices.

Crossings primarily at Nogales.


East- Off-shore supplies still available and should continue for another 7-10 days. Quality is variable

and suspect as we come toward the end of the crop. The spring FL domestic crop continues to ramp up

and more supplies are available. The quality of the domestic product is better and is bringing a

premium FOB price compared to the off-shore product. The price for off-shore product has fallen from

last week whereas the prices for the higher quality domestic product has remained generally steady.

West- Nogales crossing continue. Baja crossings have begun in a light way but we do not expect those

crossings to get fully ramped up until the first of April. The market remains active with FOB prices

generally steady to lower from last week. Quality is variable.


East- FOB prices are generally steady with downward pressures. Still seeing some scarring but quality

overall is better.

West- FOB prices are generally steady this week with slight upward pressure. Nogales crossings

continue and quality is good.


East- FOB prices are steady this week. Supplies are a little stronger which should begin to put some

downward pressures on FOB prices.

West- FOB prices are down this week.


East- The market is currently steady from last week. We are expecting more supplies into the week

which should put downward pressures on FOB prices Quality remains good.

West- Acreage and yields are down causing a shortage in supplies. This continues to put upward

pressures on FOB prices. Quality remains suspect.