Market Report: Week of 11 June 2017


Week of June 11,2017



• Rounds- Weak national demand continues to be the single most significant factor affecting the

market for round tomatoes. The weak demand has caused FOB prices to fall by another $2 to

$4 from last week depending on size. The XL size has fallen the most. Rain is expected in all

eastern growing regions today and Wednesday. Our crop in the coastal SC region is just

beginning to produce. Quincy, FL and south GA crops continue. The central FL region

(Palmetto/Ruskin) continues to produce but is getting toward the end. Even with the decrease

in FOB prices, the trigger price points of many contracts remain exceeded and will be in effect

again next week although at correspondingly lower levels. This is especially true for the large

and medium sizes. We forecast that downward pressure will continue on FOB prices. Quality

continues to be generally good.

• Romas- Demand is down and supplies are a little better. FOB prices are down again this week.

Prices are down $1-$3 dollars depending on size with the largest drop on the XL size. Quality

continues to be variable.

• Grapes- Our SC fields continue to produce this week improving supplies as demand remains

weak. FOB prices are down slightly.

• Cherries- Supplies remain tight but demand is weak. FOB prices are down in the $4 range

from last week.


• Rounds- Very light supplies of mature greens continue out of CA an MX while demand is

extremely weak. FOB prices are down $4-$6 from last week. The CA valley fields were

expected to start-up this week but a short cool spell slowed growth and they are now expected

to begin next Thursday. Quality remains variable. Vine-ripes are crossing at Baja with good

demand on the 5x5 and 5x6 sizes.

• Romas- Crossings continue at Baja and McAllen. Prices for all sizes are steady at levels close

to or ate the minimums. The quality of fruit crossing at Baja is generally good.

• Grapes- Supplies have ramped up at Baja and demand continues to be weak which has

caused FOB prices to fall moderately.

• Cherries- Supply and demand have stayed in equilibrium and FOB prices have remained

steady from last week.

NOTE: The eastern growing regions have all experienced rain and some areas have

experienced violent storms. The weather forecast calls for additional rains this week. Though

it has thus far shown-up only to a limited degree, this type of weather almost always causes

less than ideal quality and suspect shelf-life. Therefore, we suggest that dry vegetable

inventories be kept as tight as possible until we work through this product.


P r o fi t F r om E x p e r i e n c e

Horizons, LLC

Green Bell Pepper

East- GA continues to be primary producer. FL fields also continue to produce. Our eastern

NC crop should begin within 10 days. Storms and rains have hit both regions and quality is variable.

Supplies are sufficient and FOB prices are currently down from last week.

West- The desert is all but finished. The Bakersfield crop is slow to start-up due to a cooler

than normal spell. Currently, FOB prices are steady to down slightly compared to last week but we

expect upward pressures until the Bakersfield crop gets ramped up.

Red Bell Pepper

West- The desert harvest is winding down and we expect upward pressures on FOB prices as

we wait for the new crops to begin.

Yellow Squash

East- Supplies available from GA, SC and NC. FOB prices for both fancy and medium are

down compared to last week. All three areas have gone through rains and we are concerned about

quality and shelf-life.

West- Supplies remain tight but have eased somewhat. Crossings continue at Nogales but

quality is suspect as the crop comes to an end. The quality of the Santa Maria product is better. FOB

prices are down from last week.

Green Squash

East- Supplies are available from GA, SC and NC. Prices for both fancy and medium are

steady to down slightly. See note above concerning quality.

West- Various regions are now harvesting green squash. This will probably be the last week

for Nogales crossings. Santa Maria and Fresno fields continue to produce. Washington state fields

have started this week. These additional supplies have caused FOB price to drop from last week.


East- GA fields continue to produce but the rains and old vines make quality suspect. Our new

fields in NC have begun but they have been hit with rain and violent storms. FOB prices for supers

are generally steady and the price for selects is currently down slightly from last week.

West- Better supplies are available from Baja as that region is now ramped up. Nogales still

has a few crossing as that crop comes to an end. FOB prices are down sharply due to the increase in



East- More GA supplies are available. Prices are steady with downward pressure but the

search for quality product may put upward pressure on prices for good product.

West- Nogales crossings and the desert continue. FOB prices are generally down slightly from

last week.


East- Better supplies out of GA. FOB prices are down slightly again this week. Quality is


West- Baja crossing continue. The Santa Maria crop is about two week away. FOB prices ae

up slightly.


East- GA continues to be the primary growing region. However, quality has become suspect

and variable. FOB prices are slightly higher.

West- FOB prices are currently up slightly compared to last week. However, we expect more

volume by this weekend out of Brentwood which should put downward pressure on prices.

• Eastern Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

• Western Growing Region(s) Weather Forecast:

Code to Color Alerts:

Market generally with-in normal ranges and steady from last week for both pricing and quality. Any price changes

can be expected to be $1.50 or less with no major changes in quality. Also, no change in the growing region(s) and no

news that could drastically affect pricing in the future.

Some news included concerning the market that may indicate a moderate change in pricing and/or quality. FOB

pricing is generally up or down between $1.50 and $5.00 from the previous week. It will also be used to indicate news

that may have a drastic impact on the price, quality and/or availability in future weeks (versus the following week). Finally,

this color will also be used to indicate a commodity that continues to be outside the normal range as far as price, quality

and/or availability.

News included that indicates a major change in the market from the previous week as far as pricing, quality and/

or availability. May see price changes, up or down, in excess of $5.00 per case. This color will only be used to indicate a

major change from the previous week.

Important note: This market report is only a snapshot of the various commodity markets as of the morning of the date of

the report. When we expect a trend to develop, we will express that expectation. However, commodity markets are

subject to actual supply and demand levels and can change quickly due to weather and other unforeseen factors.

Therefore, please be aware that markets may change from the time this report is published and the time prices are set for

the following week. If such changes are dramatic, we will publish a revised market report.