Market Trends: Week of 15 August, 2016



• Rounds - Supplies in the East continue to be fragmented and light. Demand remains anemic;

however, the East continues to have to go west to meet even the light demand and the west

continues to set the market. FOB prices are down this week on all sizes. Due to the heat and

afternoon storms, quality continues to be variable. AL, AK, VA, SC and NC fields continue to


• Romas - Roma supplies are light and fragmented also and FOB prices are down again this

week on all sizes due to light demand. Quality is variable due to the heat and storms.

• Grapes - Good supplies continue to be harvested from NC and VA eastern shore fields. FOB

prices have continued to drop this week and quality continues to be good.

• Cherries - Supplies and demand continue to be generally light. FOB prices are down

compared to last week. Quality is good.

• Weather forecast - NC/TN Mountains: Mostly cloudy with daytime highs in the upper 80s

through early next week. Lows will be generally in the upper 60s. A good chance of storms,

possibly severe, every day. Western SC: Mostly cloudy through the weekend. A little cooler

with highs in the mid to upper 80s. A good chance of storms, possibly severe, every day.


• Rounds - Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja and McAllen. A few vine ripes have also begun to

cross at Nogales. CA mature-green growers continue to harvest. Supplies are light but weak

demand is putting downward pressure on FOB prices for all sizes. Quality and shelf-life are


• Romas - Supplies continue to come out of Baja and CA. Even though the east is having to come

west to meet all of its demand, demand remains sluggish. Like the rounds, we are keeping a

close eye on quality due to the excessive heat the crop has gone through. FOB prices are down

again on all sizes from last week except for extra-large which remains steady.

• Grapes - Supplies continue mainly out of Baja with good volume. We continue to see a wide

range in quality. FOB prices are variable (depending on quality) but are down slightly again

this week.

• Cherries - FOB prices are steady from last week. Quality is fair to good.

Green Bell Pepper

East - Weak demand is putting downward pressures on FOB prices again this week. Supplies continue

to be fragmented with supplies coming from NC to MI. Quality is generally good.

West- Supplies continue to be weak but demand is even weaker. FOB prices are down again on all sizes

and grades compared to last week.

Yellow Squash

East - FOB prices are steady this week as the growing regions remain fragmented. Quality is generally


West- Weak demand and better supplies are causing FOB prices to be substantially lower this week.

Quality is variable but continues to improve.

Green Squash

East- FOB prices are generally steady this week on both grades. We continue to harvest fields in SC, NC,

MI and the Northeast. Supplies of large zucchini are better this week.

West- FOB prices are down sharply this week. Supplies are coming from Santa Maria and Washington

fields. Quality is good.

Green Beans - Still no change from previous week Good supplies available out of Western and Central

New York.


East- Supplies are down this week in the northeast as the heat in that region as damaged fields.

Supplies coming mainly from MI. Demand continues to be sluggish. We are seeing some quality

issues due to the weather. FOB prices are up this week on all sizes and grades.

West- Supplies crossing mainly from Baja and quality is extremely variable. FOB prices are generally

steady with upward pressure on the supers and downward pressure on the selects. Demand continues

to be weak. We will be moving to new fields within the next week to ten days.


East- There is a split market between MI and NC. The poorer quality out of NC is bringing lower prices

than the higher quality eggs from MI.

West- FOB prices are steady to down again this week. Quality is good.


East- FOB prices are up slightly again this week. Quality continues to be generally good