Rounds- As reported last week, the northern FL and coastal SC fields are at the end of the season and growers are cleaning up their fields. As growers move northward for the summer, the market becomes more fragmented. AL, AR, and western SC fields have started producing with light volume. Supplies are currently a little lighter this week as we transition into these more northern fields. Quality out of the northern fields is very good to excellent while the quality of the older southern fields is variable. Supplies of the ex-large tomatoes are tighter and FOB prices are higher as a result. Supplies for the large size is generally steady and there is less upward pressure on that size. Supplies for the medium size remains strong and FOB prices are actually seeing downward pressure. Growers in the mountains of NC and TN should be starting up this week. Our fields on the eastern shore of VA should start up within the next week or two.
Romas- Like the rounds, we are transitioning into the northern summer fields. Supplies are down temporarily this week during the transition putting upward pressure on FOB prices, especially the smaller sizes. Quality continues to be good.
Grapes- FOB prices remain relatively low but stronger demand continues to put upward pressure on FOB prices. Quality is very good.
Cherries- FOB prices for cherry tomatoes are steady to down this week. Quality is good.
Weather forecast- NC/TN Mountains: A good chance of storms everyday through early next week. Highs will be near 90 and lows will be in the 60s. Western SC: Variable cloudiness with highs in the mid to upper 90s. A chance of storms, possibly severe, most afternoons and nights through early next week.
Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja and McAllen. All CA mature green growers continue to harvest. FOB prices are steady to lower on all sizes. Quality of the mature greens is improving as we get further away from the abnormally high temperatures the fields experienced.
Romas- Supplies continue to be good out of Baja and FOB prices remain generally steady from last week. We are seeing stronger demand this week. CA growers also continue to pick. Quality is good. FOB prices are generally steady with downward pressure.
Grapes- Supplies continue mainly out of Baja. We continue to see a wide range in quality. FOB prices are variable (depending on quality) and generally higher from last week.
Cherries- FOB prices generally steady. Quality is fair to good.
Green Bell Pepper
East- Our NC crop continues in full production with good supplies. Like tomatoes, the market is becoming more fragmented as we move northward. We are seeing downward pressure on FOB prices on all sizes and grades. Quality out of our NC fields is very good.
West- Better supplies from northern CA fields is causing FOB prices to fall. Quality is improving.
Yellow Squash
East- Supplies are stronger as more growers come on-line. FOB prices are lower. Quality is generally good.
West- More supplies are also available in the west. Supplies are coming from Santa Maria and Eastern Washington. Quality is variable but continues to improve. FOB prices are lower in the west also.
Green Squash
East- Stronger supplies are pushing FOB prices lower on all grades and sizes. We continue to harvest fields in SC, NC and the Northeast.
West- FOB prices are lower this week due to stronger supplies. Supplies are coming from Santa Maria and Washington fields. Quality remains variable but also continues to improve.
Green Bens
The eastern shore of Virginia is in production in a small way. Market is expected to remain strong fro the next few weeks.
East- More growing regions are coming on line as MI an NJ have started up. This increase in supplies has put downward pressure on FOB prices.
West- Product continues to cross at Nogales and Baja but Nogales is at the very end of its crop. There is downward pressure on FOB prices as a few more growers have begun out of Baja.
East- Plentiful supplies continue to put downward pressure on FOB prices. Quality of eggplant is very good.
West- FOB prices are lower this week. Supplies are coming primarily from the Fresno fields.
East- FOB prices are down slightly this week as more growers begin to harvest. Quality out of these new northern fields is good. We continue to see quality issues out the GA fields as that crop comes to an end.
West- FOB prices are steady to slightly lower this week. Quality is good.