• Rounds- Weak demand and good supplies continue to put downward pressure on FOB prices for all sizes. Supplies are available from several areas. The GA and coastal SC fields should continue producing into the first week of July. AL and AR fields are starting to be harvested in a light way. More volume will be coming from those fields in the weeks to come. Western SC and NC fields should begin later this week and next week. The TN mountain fields are scheduled to begin around July 4. Finally, our VA eastern shore fields should start producing in a light way around the middle of July. Once these fields begin producing there will be several starts and stops due to the fact that several plantings had to be delayed due to rains earlier this spring. Nevertheless, there should be plenty of supplies around to meet the anemic demand we have been seeing much of this year. Quality is good.
• Romas- FOB prices are generally steady on all sizes. Quality continues to be good.
• Grapes- FOB prices are lower again this week due to weak demand and good supplies. Quality is very good.
• Cherries- FOB prices are also lower again this week. Quality is good.
• Weather forecast- Beaufort, SC: Hot with little chance of rain every day this week. Highs will be in the low to upper 90s with lows in the mid to upper 70s. A chance of storms early next week.
• Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja and McAllen. All CA mature green growers are now harvesting. Supplies are generally light but demand is even lighter causing FOB prices to drift lower. The growing fields have been extremely hot with highs around 105. Quality has been generally fair at best but we are seeing better quality on the near horizon. We will keep an eye out to see how this heat affects quality in the future.
• Romas- Supplies continue to be good out of Baja and FOB prices remain generally steady from last week. We are seeing some slight upward pressure on the larger sizes. CA growers have started to pick their fields this week. Quality is very good.
• Grapes- Supplies continue mainly out of Baja. We continue to see a wide range in quality. FOB prices are variable (depending on quality) and slightly higher from last week.
• Cherries- FOB prices generally steady at or near the Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is slightly better.
Green Bell Pepper
East- The GA crop is rapidly winding down. The quality of any remaining growers still harvesting is suspect. NC crop is in full production. We are seeing slight upward pressure on FOB prices. Quality out of our NC fields is good.
West- Bakersfield is winding down a little earlier this year due to the high temperatures. We are beginning to transition into the Fresno growing regions. Currently, FOB prices remain generally steady from last week. Quality is variable.
Yellow Squash
East- FOB prices are generally stable. Sourcing primarily from SC and NC. Quality is variable but improving.
West- Supplies of medium size yellow squash are limited this week causing FOB prices to rise from last week. FOB prices for fancy grade remain generally steady. Supplies are coming from Santa Maria. Quality is variable. Eastern Washington fields are in production.
Green Squash
East- FOB prices are generally steady to this week and quality is generally good. We continue to harvest fields in SC and NC. Later this week the northeast should begin to harvest which will likely put downward pressure on FOB prices.
West- FOB prices are higher this week. Supplies are coming from Santa Maria and Washington fields. Quality remains variable.
Green Beans
FOB Pricing remains high! Growers finishing up in Georgia and NC volume is unable to support demand. Quality is good.
Cucumbers- East- FOB prices are slightly higher this week on supers and steady to down slightly on selects. Quality remains generally good.
West- Product continues to cross at Nogales and Baja but Nogales is at the end of its crop. FOB prices remain at low levels. Demand is stronger which may begin to exert upward pressure on prices.
East- Plentiful supplies are putting downward pressure on FOB prices, especially for the fancy grade. Quality of eggplant is very good.
West- FOB prices are steady to slightly lower this week. Supplies are coming primarily from the Fresno fields.
East- FOB prices are higher again this week and we are now seeing some quality issues out of the GA fields.
West- FOB prices are generally steady to higher this week. Quality is good