Rounds- FOB prices remain depressed and continue to move within a narrow range. Prices are off of the floor from several weeks ago but remain at low levels. There is slight upward pressure on all sizes. The Quincy growing region (northern FL) continues to produce and SC fields should begin later this week. Therefore, there should be no gap in supplies so prices should remain depressed and stay within a narrow range unless an unseen weather event disrupts the supply chain. Quality continues to be very good but we will keep an eye on it due the fact that the growing regions have received quite a bit of rain this past week and we are entering into a typical summer weather pattern where afternoon storms are the norm.
Romas- Strong supplies continue. FOB prices are steady from last week at or near rock bottom. We are seeing slight downward pressure on the larger sized prices. Quality is excellent.
Grapes- FOB prices remain generally steady this week. Quality is very good to excellent.
Cherries- FOB prices remain steady this week. Quality is very good to excellent.
Weather forecast- Quincy: Partly sunny skies with highs in the 90s and lows in the 60s. A slight chance of afternoon storms most days.
Rounds- Vine-ripes continue to cross at Baja, McAllen and Nogales. Quality continues to be better out of Baja than Nogales. Mature greens continue to be harvested. FOB prices remain low and even more downward pressure is being exerted. We do not anticipate any gap in supplies while transitioning between growing regions.
Romas- Supplies continue to be good but for the first time in weeks we are seeing some FOB prices above Suspension Agreement minimums. Quality is very good.
Grapes- Good supplies out of Nogales and Baja are keeping the FOB prices of grapes at low levels. The quantity and quality of the fruit crossing at Nogales is not as good as that crossing from Baja. The better quality fruit is bringing higher FOB prices.
Cherries- FOB prices generally steady. Quality is only fair.
Green Bell Pepper
East- The FL fields are their last legs and southern GA is the major growing region. The new crop in GA is bringing higher FOB prices. Quality is very good out of GA.
West- Supplies continue out of Nogales and the desert. The quality out of the desert is better and bringing higher FOB prices than the product out of Nogales. We expect to start harvesting the Bakersfield fields later this week. FOB prices are generally stable. Quality is variable.
Yellow Squash
East- FOB prices remain at relatively low levels but we continue to see some upward pressure. Quality is a little more variable.
West- FOB prices for fancy grade are higher this week while the price for choice is generally steady with some downward pressure seen. Quality is variable.
Green Squash
East- FOB prices remain at low levels this week with slight upward pressure for fancy grade. Quality is generally good. We have just begun to harvest fields in eastern NC.
West- FOB prices generally steady this week but we do see some upward pressure. Quality remains variable.
Green Beans- FOB prices remain steady. Supplies and quality good.
Cucumbers- East- FOB prices are generally steady for the select grade and slightly higher for supers. Quality remains generally good. Continue to mainly sourcing out of south GA.
West- Product continues to cross at Nogales and Baja. FOB prices remain at low levels but with upward pressure.
East- FOB prices for choice are seeing downward pressure while fancy is steady to higher. Quality of eggplant is very good.
West- FOB prices are steady this week. We expect additional supplies to be available by this weekend as the Fresno region begins harvesting.
East- FOB prices are generally steady to lower this week. Quality is very good.