Market Trends : Week of 5 Oct 2015


  • Rounds- Rain has fallen for nearly a week in all growing regions in the east.  This will affect the volume and quality in the east for weeks to come.  Very cool weather is expected to follow the rains which will cause the older fields in the east to wind down quickly.  New fields in Quincy have started but with very low volume.  The rains are delaying  plantings further south in Florida which will cause our winter Florida crop to be behind schedule.   Local fields continue in the mountains of NC, SC and TN but yields are lighter as those crops are very close to ending and quality is suspect.  The Eastern Shore crop is being picked but yield there is light and has seen much rain this past week.  Because of the variable quality and shelf-life issues, we recommend that inventories be kept tight for the next several weeks.  All sizes are running on the smaller side.  FOB prices of 6x6s and 6x7s are steady but the price of 5x6s is higher.  
  • Romas- Supplies continue to be very tight. FOB prices on all sizes are steady.  Quality continues to be variable.
  • Grapes- FOB prices are steady on bulk this week compared to last week and slightly higher on the 12/1pt flats.   Quality remains generally good.
  • Cherries- Supplies continue to be extremely tight as they have been all summer.  FOB prices are currently steady.  Quality continues to be variable but good quality can be found.
  • Weather forecast- NC/TN Mountains- A high chance of rain each day for the rest of the week. Turning colder with highs only in the 50s on Friday and lows in the upper 40s by early next week.  VA Eastern Shore- A high probably of rain or showers each day through the weekend.  Highs will only be in upper 60s on Thursday and Fridays with lows in the 50s for several nights starting over the weekend.  
  • Rounds- Volume out of CA fields is dropping off dramatically as is the quality out of those fields.  Shelf-life is very suspect.  Sizing remains on the small size.  FOB prices are steady for the better quality.  Lower prices can be found on lesser quality product.  Vine ripes continue to cross from Baja and quality remains variable.  Vines ripes crossing over at McAllen are light but with better quality.  Crossings at Nogales continue this week but with low volume as that season gets geared up.
  • Romas- Supplies continue from CA and crossings at Otay Mesa and McAllen.  Volume out of the newer Mexican fields appears to be down by as much as 50% compared to prior years.  FOB prices are up on the large size romas and steady on the medium size.
  • Grapes- We are still seeing a range in quality.  FOB prices of the better quality are higher this week.  Inferior product can continue to be purchased at a discount.
  • Cherries- Supplies continue to be tight with a wide range of FOB prices depending on quality.  FOB prices for quality product are stronger compared to last week.


Green Bell Pepper

East- Most supplies now coming out of GA.  Rains are bringing the NC crop to a quick close.   FOB prices are slightly stronger this week.
West- We are seeing declining volume and quality crossing from Baja.  FOB prices are up compared to last week.

Yellow Squash

East- Good supplies and slow demand are causing FOB prices to remain near the bottom. Quality has been good but we will see how the rains will affect quality in the near future.  GA and northern FL crops have started while NC and SC crops continue to produce.
West- FOB prices are slightly stronger again this week due to weaker supplies.  Quality is variable.

Slow volume is crossing at Nogales as that crop gets started.


Green Squash

East- FOB prices are slightly stronger this week.  Like the yellow, quality has been good but the recent rains will cause quality to become suspect.
West- FOB prices are steady to lower as volume crossing at Nogales is slowly increasing.



East- FOB prices are generally steady but with downward pressure. Quality has been good.
West- More supplies this week is causing FOB prices to be slightly weaker compared to last week.   Quality is variable. 



East- Good supplies are causing FOB prices remain steady at current low levels. Quality is good.  
West- We are seeing some quality issues at crossing points.


East - FOB prices are steady to higher compared to last week.  Quality remains good.